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Gcse Exam Results.... Look In =]


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Ive heard a few various dates about my school so im going to have to find out whenmine come out, When do yours come out?

Also found this article , whats your thoughts on this? Would you rather go up and see some people you may not have seen since you left and should of? Go up to the school and get a few numbers from people you want to stay in contact with? Or are you not that bothered, rather download them, get it over with and say f**k you to everyone else?

I personally couldn't give a shit if im that honest, i didn't do the whole shirt signing thing, glad to see the back of half the wankers in my year if im honest, and the people id still want to see, i will see, and can get the to write on my shirt whenever i want! haha HOWEVER i suppose i would like to be able to go and see the teachers that i get a decent grade from, for keeping me behind after school and pushing me that bit more that other teachers didn't, and i think im going to get my art teacher something to say thank you because that probaly the only thing i'll get a decent grade in, and she put up with so much shit from our class, out of the 16 people in the class i think about 5 wern't in the top 20 worst behaved in the year and nearly every other teacher in the school would have told a class liek us to do one!

Your thoughts?

Alan. x

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Same as (sexy) Tom, 23rd.

I'm a bit worried, i really don't know what to expect, i mean, maths, the calc paper, i went through it at the end and i could get something like 78 odd marks, which is more than enough than a B, in the intermediate tier, and i will be over the f**king moon if i got a B in maths, i think my coursework might drag me down a bit though.

Other subjects might be ok, history i deffo failed but not bothered, art, maybe C, 'cos i didn't do much/any of the coursework, English might be ok, i think i did well, but English is pretty much my weakness, in terms of being able to write long things. Science might be ok too, it's pretty much educated guesses apart from like 10% of it, where you actually need the knowledge for it.

Hopefully i did ok (duhhh)

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Mine not being until next year, but I am worried already, my mocks didn't look anything near good.


Good luck to everyone getting their results this year.

Mocks aren't really that much, they just help the teacher know what tier to put you into, and if you clearly just f**ked up they'll go on your general level, not on some practice exams.

And i don't like saying this (because they're easy when you've done them, and people say they're straight up easy when they've done A levels, and of course, gcses are gonna be a lot easier than A levels), but GCSEs are easyish. Just make sure you pull your finger out of your arsehole, keep your head down and work, and revise loadssfor about a month or two before them and you'll ace 'em. Easier said than done though my friend, and i wish i could have done it.

Edited by Fat Pants
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and revise loadssfor about a month or two before them and you'll ace 'em. Easier said than done though my friend, and i wish i could have done it.

WORD! I was about to post "seriously, This is the way to do it, Don't think you don't need to revise" but i'm not going to :P . Because when i was told this, i thought f**k that, i know what i know, and well i thought i did, but when it comes up in an exam, and you know that you know the anser, but can't quite think of it, thats when it slaps you in the face for being ignorant to revising!

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I didn't try and learned loads in the month before, Maths I'm gunna fly with hopefully, and I.T, I just hope I haven't failed English because that would be a resit if I have and I can't be chewed with that plus my A levels. Bah, Good luck everyone! Hope things go the way you want.

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For all my exams I revised the night before, apart from RE.

Wish I'd tryed now, but as Ash had said, I'll get what I deserve.

Hopefully I'll get all at least C or above, then I can crack on with my A-levels.

Oh and I get my results the day before my 6th form induction, which is on the 23rd. Dreading it.

Good luck to everyone.

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Not to worried about them but would like to get c's if possible lol

So all you lot say your not bothed and stuff but what will you lot do after if you dont go back to school(6 form)??

Go in the army or get an apprenticeship

Or blag my way through computing..

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