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Bike Weight Calculator


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mine comes to 11163.606gr although they didnt have my stem, spokes, tubes or sprocket


lightest stock ive found is 8426gr. and is an ozonys

EDIT: If you don't find the part of your choice, PLEASE mail me (gibrancurtiss@gmail.com) with "category / description / weight" of each part like this : "Pedals / Wellgo MG-1 Magnesium / 380gr". I´ll update asap.

Edited by ash-kennard
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Pretty good, it's only a bit out: 8563g. My frame's not on there though...

I think all the weights seem to have been taken from our site, the fixed Echo etc 20" rear hubs are all incorrect, they're listed as estimated/approx weights on our site.

There's no things like rim tapes, spokes, nipples... but that would be complex.

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Why not just weigh your bike ?

seems a bit pointless to me

mike W

Most people have computer's, most people don't have scales which will accurately weigh your bike.

there will allways be discrepancies, but I expect this guys just did this cos he could.

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guys, if your frame or whatever isnt there, let him know

If you don't find the part of your choice, PLEASE mail me (gibrancurtiss@gmail.com) with "category / description / weight" of each part like this : "Pedals / Wellgo MG-1 Magnesium / 380gr". I´ll update asap.

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It would be a good inclusion on the tarty site. Relatively simple as well if the database has been set up the way I am assuming. Seeing as all the parts are listed with estimated weights anyway, could simply go through the data base, grab the id of the part, it will give you the name, it will have the weight stored in there too seeing as its on the site already, then it can just be added up.

That is however if that is the way the database has been set up, which it probaboly has not, as it was not intended to have this use.

The geocities site is ok but missing lots and lots of parts etc, but to be fair its one hell of a job, be a lot easier if there was a form for people to add parts that are missing with the weight, then a group of mods can check them before they are added to the lists.

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