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Riders That Deserve It.


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this is just a favorite rider, who isnt sponsored by deng topic?

no one deserves it, cept big boys like ashton and hermance.

No dave, this thread is about inspiration... not who's the best rider. Who inspires you and why? Could be anyone... 1handedluke for example because of his determination and perceverance despite not being able to ride with 2 hands. This isn't who do you think is the best rider, its who inspires you.

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I was going to mention Jack Barnes actually. He certainly doesn't get much mention. But I certainly wouldn't compare him with Danny Macaskill. He's a beasty rider, but doesn't much of the spin/combo stuff that Danny is into.

I don't think Felix Mucke gets enough attention. He's astonishing to watch.

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I'd add TRA and Marco Grosenik to this list. TRA for making the most inspiring videos, and Marco for his smoothness and laid back attitude towards trials which affected the way i ride today.

Felix mucke (needs the dotted U). He's just so damn smooth its unreal.

It's not a dotted U, it's a smiley. Same applies to Thomas Ohler, the O is a surprised smiley.

So it's Felix M :) cke and Thomas :o hler

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mine would have to be scott pitcher from the eastcoasttrials team

I was racking my brains the other day for that name! Thanks :D . And, yeah, he could have gone places. I'm just glad i got to ride with him once...



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Thibault Marriaux inspired me when i saw him do a drop gap to a cable real in revolution, and kept it on the back wheel with total control, all bouncy on the bike. It looked so cool, and i always wanted to do things with control like that.

Martyn Ashton, of course, as i started almost directly because of him and i was riding AS the tricks and stunts series etc were being made and released, so i was kind of brought up through trials along side those productions.

Martin Hawes, for the same reason as Ashton, also, both of them inspired me sub conciously i think, when it came to the amount of fun riding is when you're not even riding, but sat on a wall or outside a chippy with your mates when you're out riding.

Matt Berridge, gave me some inspiration with his Celluloid dream video.

Thom TRA spurred me on when i watched some of his video's, as it was at a time where trials became a bit stale for me, and it just extended the boundries...

Mates i rode with all over the country inspired me more than any individuals. I remember so many single occasions that helped me develop and feed my want of trials. Seeing how easy Emo Phillius of Williamshire tapped things, how Ali C rode rocks, and in particular one big fat rock on Shipley that i remember seeing him bounce up. Just loads, ther is too many!!! Thanks to everyone i've ever ridden with! I think i've been inspired by everyone i've ever met through riding, be it riding technique, style, bike set up, or attitude. It's been a pleasure!


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I was going to mention Jack Barnes actually. He certainly doesn't get much mention. But I certainly wouldn't compare him with Danny Macaskill. He's a beasty rider, but doesn't much of the spin/combo stuff that Danny is into.

Ahh but he does he shreds it! Maybe not as mentallly though.


his old nailsea videos

Matt Berridge, gave me some inspiration with his Celluloid dream video.

It sounds like there might be more Boonage out there that I haven't seen. Any chance of some links? The ones I have are Dancing Through Sunday, Do The Goooon, Do The Goooon Again, and Fat Jabba. Whoever finds me more Berridge earns my eternal gratitude...

luke got any vids?


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In that case .....

B O O N.

taught me how to ride trials ..... alot of people seem to write him off as a spinny bmx boy, when back in the day he was pushing the lairy drops, rails and gaps as much as anyone....

always inspiring, always fun, incredible style... HERO.


Rowan johns as said before AND_NOW is a beasty video..

Danny Mac

Marko Grosnick

Ali C

These riders stand out from every one else as individuals not following the tgs style of majority of street riders.

Oh and one more... "Inur" dobt kniw why but ever scince iv been on this forum and watched his videos i just find him inspiring and he seems like a genuine nice guy.. Would like to meet him someday just to see if you can get a real perspective of someone over the internet :P .


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Ahh but he does he shreds it! Maybe not as mentallly though.

It sounds like there might be more Boonage out there that I haven't seen. Any chance of some links? The ones I have are Dancing Through Sunday, Do The Goooon, Do The Goooon Again, and Fat Jabba. Whoever finds me more Berridge earns my eternal gratitude...


at least 20 vids you haven't seen then... all the matt/nailsea vids i have on my hdd is about half a gig..

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Another shout for that slag in Bristol who delivers the odd letter (when he's not on strike...)

Not only is he an awesome rider, but he's a top banana who's always happy to help with riding, parts etc, and just have a laugh.

It's not just gone to his head, and he's earned the skillz he's got

He is the end of a leg :)

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Well not in a riding sense, but I really think mr aran cook deserves his business to go well! innovative and green, good stuff :D

now back on topic, I think Waddy should, hes pretty controlled and does well in riding and im sure he will get better at riding anyway :)

Also theres a lot of people, and i dont mean this offensively, who are brought up on council estates and similar and have hardly any income from parents, let alone themselves, and still they manage to keep at trials and keep riding and needless to say, they get better. They manage to value trials better than others and will always be attached to the sport and THUS deserve to do well [/scientific research]

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Im gonna be a right brown nose and say 2 friends here but , adam bessell and james porter.

Adam Bessell, beacuse he is always moaning that he is shit, yet everytime i see him, he is doing the craziest shit with ease.

and James Porter because he has been too good, for far to long. Back on his old steel rigs, making vids with ben rowlands..now those were the days.

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