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before i ge to the topic i am going to say that i have used the search and found nothing like this :)

ok, well basically i am wondering about sidehops and techniques,

you see, i sidehop to the right, and im right foot forward, my biggest sidehop is 34inches, and ive been riding one year

can you tell me you highest sidehop if you are right foot forward and side to the right and left foot forward and side to the left, as i really want to know if i am going to hit a boundry and then have to re-learn sidehops but to the left.

so basically what i said there ^^^, like what foot forward and your highest etc, well could you post up all that information just so i can see if im doing it "Wrong"



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you won't hit a boundary until you gte to as high as you can jump

wrong way: 47 (once, took 30 attempts or so)

right way: 42 consistent

When I switched to go away from my lead foot it felt like I could go alot bigger with less effort, but I can't

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i feel as though i can do it really easy the wrong way, but when i try left i just physically cant do it, did this happen to anyone else

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BTW tunnicliffe sidehops like you do. ie to the same side as his lead foot

yh i was told that by a mate a minute ago, this gives me confidence that i can go bigger, cheerz for that, mods can now close the topic if they like unless other people want to read it and give them a confidence boost

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i go left left foot foward (well im learning to the right now)

I got to about 45.

but, unless you crank the bike over it can get abit hairy if you miss with the rear wheel.....

ShitBMX Trailer

Broken wrist that was more like 3-4 months off proper riding.....

ouch man that gottu hurt, because f the position i land when my back wheel slips i dont seem to go flying off the back, but i will keep my fingers crossed it dont happen :P

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i feel as though i can do it really easy the wrong way, but when i try left i just physically cant do it, did this happen to anyone else

felt the same for me, just stick at it and itll feel so much nicer in the end, just start on kerbs if you have to

wont take long

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I personaly am left footed but sidehop to the right, The ''right'' way as people would say.

Its really up to you, Back say two year ago on my first bike i was doing 2 pallets to the left. Just got determinded to change and got 3 the right way same night. Kinda proved to me it helps. Now i am about 42-43 consistant.

just change it does help

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I personaly am left footed but sidehop to the right, The ''right'' way as people would say.

Its really up to you, Back say two year ago on my first bike i was doing 2 pallets to the left. Just got determinded to change and got 3 the right way same night. Kinda proved to me it helps. Now i am about 42-43 consistant.

just change it does help

the thing is i can sidehop 34inches after a years riding, and trying it to the left is like trying to re-learn a pedal hop, i spent hours trying and all i got was the height of a bus kirb, so im wondering wether it worth the bother, especially seeing the way tunni does it

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I sidehop to the right and am right footed, i can get a sidehop of 6 pallets and i am nowhere near clipping pedal and feel i can improve further.

so i dont belive you will hit a boundary because of the way you sidehop.

mikey W

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the thing is i can sidehop 34inches after a years riding, and trying it to the left is like trying to re-learn a pedal hop, i spent hours trying and all i got was the height of a bus kirb, so im wondering wether it worth the bother, especially seeing the way tunni does it

just put loads of power down, if youve got enough to go that high to one side, it should'nt be a problem, tis not like you have to go along way to one side either. If the vast majority do it the 'right' way, its blatantly the best option

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the thing is i can sidehop 34inches after a years riding, and trying it to the left is like trying to re-learn a pedal hop, i spent hours trying and all i got was the height of a bus kirb, so im wondering wether it worth the bother, especially seeing the way tunni does it

Tunni would deffinately go higher if he changed there is no doubt in my mind, i used to go towards the right and im right footed it took me about month to get the proper technique of going to the left but now im there its so much easier plus im going away from my drive side which is always good another good point is theres miles less chance of catching your foot on the way up which comes in big style once you get higher i could go on but you get the jist

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I could do about 40-41" to the left side (being left footed) before learing the other way (that was at least 2years ago.). Now I can do about 42-43" to the right side constantly (45" is my record, did it over a year ago). So even though the height hasn't improved a lot I find that my technique is now much better. When sidehopping to your front foot side most people tend to use their front wheel way too much. It's cool for doing those front-to-rear sidehop 90degree thingies but it looks really ugly when doing a real sidehop. Though I've never fallen backwards when missing a sidehop to the left, I tend to stay on the left pedal just like when you've missed a bit crooked tap.

Actually I think that it's good that I used to sidehop to my lead foot, because now I can sidehop both ways which is pretty essential when riding comps.

But I can't sidehop for the love of god, I just can't understand all of you english guys doing those tucked 48+ inch sidehops to both wheels. I've been riding for 4 years and can ride pretty decently otherwise I guess, but sidehops remain a mystery for me. Some day I will make that 120cm/47" sidehop I've wanted to do for so long.. some day :rolleyes:

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well when i get my inner tube from tarty i am gunno go out on my bike and give it a hell of a go, i just get the feeling that im not going to push the bike far enough to the left and miss the ledge

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i spose this is a bit to do with the topic..

what stem would be best for sidehopping (on a mod)

a low or a high rise, bearing in mind i am about 5ft 3inches, and the wheelbase on my bike is 1020mm. also the balance on the back wheel of my bike isnt great so what bar and stem set-up can help with that aswell.

i was thinking maybe a hifi stem and some zoo risers, does this sound good? i think a lower stem will help as i will be pullin the bike further up on the back wheel so the back wheel balance will be better and i will get more leverage on sidehops. (i run an onza bar and stem set up at the moment), or are there any lower stems than the hifi?

this could really help me out guys,

thanks to all that comment as im going on holiday and ill read the topic again on wednesday unless anyone posts before 2 o clock :P

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i got back from holiday yesterday, and after a week out of trials i was pretty crap, so i decided to give sidehops to the left a good go, and by the end of the day i did 5 blue pallets to my left, and it feels alot more natural now, thanks for all your help lads

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i feel as though i can do it really easy the wrong way, but when i try left i just physically cant do it, did this happen to anyone else

i sidehop like like but to the left/left foot forward, my biggest issue was not with the padal catching but missing he front wheel onto the wall, this was because i was thinking about my foot, i have got over the issue now though and never miss, which i'm glad about because it hurts and i look like a twat (eh ash). I don't know what i can sidehop just that i did my biggest yerterday:)

so my advise would be just to practise the way you feel comfortable, then when you have reached 40+ one way start having a go the other way.

hope thats helped

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