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The Heroes Thread

King C

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I'm kinda loosing track of this all now.

How come that mind reading guy in the desert can suddenly paint the future?

What's the deal with the triplets, does that means that woman (son of the black boy with the afro) hasn't actually got 2 personality's like i first thought.

Also, how come i can't remember anyones name from heroes!!!

At a guess to the last point, i'd say because your not really watching it. The mind reading guy painted the future after eating the paste stuff the african guy gave him. He even said right before he ate it "this'll let me see into the future?".

How is the mother supposed to be the son? :S But no, the first ones power was super strength, unfortunately as also stated in an episode, sometimes the mind has trouble dealing with big problems or adjustments in life and tries to shut the problems away, which is how split personalities are often formed. She ripped people in half, didn't like it and bang, new personality to take over from the shock.

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Ok so, episode 4's come and gone, and it was good!

What are your theories on the little boy Noah, who is supposedly Gabriel's son? I have a strong feeling he is Noah Bennett but someone either cloned him or had powers to make him regress back to a child; that kid looks 5/6ish and the future is only 4 years ahead of the present time, so that's not nearly enough time for Sylar to sire a child that grown up. I bet it's no coincidence that he now lives in the Costa Verde Bennett house even with Mr. Muggles...

And how to do you think Sylar turned good from the point he is at now in the present time?

Also, what's up with Angela Petrelli wanting Adam Monroe back up?

Last point: Peter Petrelli and Gilles Coustellier are the same people!

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What are your theories on the little boy Noah, who is supposedly Gabriel's son? I have a strong feeling he is Noah Bennett but someone either cloned him or had powers to make him regress back to a child; that kid looks 5/6ish and the future is only 4 years ahead of the present time, so that's not nearly enough time for Sylar to sire a child that grown up. I bet it's no coincidence that he now lives in the Costa Verde Bennett house even with Mr. Muggles...

Maybe they just named him Noah because of Noah Bennett?

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Yeah, maybe, I don't know, I don't write the stuff. You just have to wait and see. :closedeyes:

I was asking if it was possible, wasn't asking you personally because you're f**king Hayden Panettiere or something.

How is the mother supposed to be the son?

Time travel.


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Tse question is, why did Angela put her husband in hospital ( :shifty: ), and what is he planning?

What i reckon might come about is that her husband is some important member of the company and he has the ability to steal other peoples powers. Along comes someone with a formula for turning ordinary people into people with powers and he sees his chance to become one of the few "super powers" (people with multiple abilities) by stealing them from people. Presumably back in this day people with powers were quite rare so i imagine he saw his chance to fast forward evolution a bit and started injecting people with the formula and tagging them (the marks on the necks from series 1) hoping to wait until the people had grown up a bit and their powers had developed. Then he can go round taking powers from them like they were his own special power breeding crop.

I'd imagine its going to come about that some else, angela presumably as she can see the future and was married to him, found out about his plan and split the formula in two (hiro's father was also a major player in the company so it makes sense that they both hid a piece of the formula) and had him hospitalised to try and stop his grand master plan to become a dominant "super power".

I am purely speculating but it seems to fit :D

I really hope that isn't the end of Peter.

After 2.5 seasons of wasted potential he finally starts to get badass, and then... :huh:

Nah, there's a formula to giving people super powers and surresh said each persons powers are unique to them. Inject him with the formula in a few episodes time and BANG! He's back to stop his dad taking over the world.

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Yeah, certainly sounds viable. I'm pretty certain he was part of the company along with Daniel Linderman, Angela Petrelli and Kaito Nakamura, who was hospitialised because he wanted to do something with the formula, by the others. As to what, I don't know, I think the formula is probably something to do with the giving/taking of powers.

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Nah, there's a formula to giving people super powers and surresh said each persons powers are unique to them. Inject him with the formula in a few episodes time and BANG! He's back to stop his dad taking over the world.

Yes but he'd have to go and relearn every ability, plus some of the abilities he had aquired were from people who are now dead...

Really not impressed with the writers making him do that, after all he has seen over the last 2 seasons you'd think it might take more than 30 seconds to win his trust. Just a crap script from the writers trying to get a cliffhanger, Peter's not 12 for gods sake :sleeping:

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Yes but he'd have to go and relearn every ability, plus some of the abilities he had aquired were from people who are now dead...

Really not impressed with the writers making him do that, after all he has seen over the last 2 seasons you'd think it might take more than 30 seconds to win his trust. Just a crap script from the writers trying to get a cliffhanger, Peter's not 12 for gods sake :sleeping:

He's an empath apparently, he uses other powers by feeling how they do. All he has to do is remember someone and he can use their ability. So long as they don't wipe his memory he's all good to get them all back straight away once he gets the jab.

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Nah, there's a formula to giving people super powers and surresh said each persons powers are unique to them. Inject him with the formula in a few episodes time and BANG! He's back to stop his dad taking over the world.

i remember this being said yet every time they go into the future when everyone has powers. everyone could fly. flyings seems to be a pretty common unique power.

Edited by SuperDeathMonkey
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i remember this being said yet every time they go into the future when everyone has powers. everyone could fly. flyings seems to be a pretty common unique power.

I imagne they would screen people, and only give powers to those with 'safe' powers.

Flying being one of those.

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I really hope that isn't the end of Peter.

After 2.5 seasons of wasted potential he finally starts to get badass, and then... :huh:

It can't be the end of Peter can it, he has claires ability and as Sylar said she can never die, soooooo theoretically neither can he?

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