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What Do You Want To See In Next Gen Trials Frames?


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Play the other record Hudson, you're getting boring. :sleeping:

I'm only 12 stone and run a rear Rubber Queen with an ordinary skinny tube, so I can't be that harsh, and I haven't even managed to bend the wheel yet.

The main reason I run a disc over a magura or a vee is that I hate rim brakes, and it's my bike anyway so I'll have it set up so I like it.

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slacker head angle is better for taps....

Ye I'd agree with that, It definitely is better for taps through my experience. I've changed how I tap lately and starting to get it back with the steeper head angle of my Ozonys, but I find a slacker head angle is kind of like tapping a slightly sloped wall, it does help. Although my front wheel moves didn't get any better with a sleeper head angle.

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-Frames made from 4130 or T45 instead of 6000/7000 series aluminium. steel frames feel a lot nicer to ride.

-Definitely horizontal dropouts wth snail cams on 135mm.

-More frames with internal headsets

-Spanish bottom brackets would be quite cool, then you could run some ti profiles.

-Adjustable rear disc mounts to work with the horizontal dropouts.

One word: Triton. And it's better than steel :P

But yeah, I agree with all those points. It's really hard to find an interesting frame out there. Thankfully there's custom stuff like Triton, Curtis and some other small manufacturers meaning you can still get a frame tailored to your needs. I think Deng has made a small but steady step forward with the new Control, now it's time for him to implement the dropout solution in his remaining frames. Can't see why internal headsets are so good? Bearings can't be as large and there's a limited choice of what you can use.

I don't understand why trials parts evolve so slowly. It took designers 20 years to understand that a frame similar in shape to a GU is better than a 15" mod trials bike with a saddle. It's going to take them a bit longer to understand that frames with 135mm horizontal dropouts are a good idea.

As far as I'm concerned, trials components have reached a stage where not much can be improved apart from strength and weight. Design wise, they're really good. However, I'd still completely ditch the idea of threaded cranks, threaded sprockets and freewheels. Nobody likes you, 1.37" x 24tpi thread! HG/Echo Spindle system is the way forward.

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What's wrong with 1 1/8" steerers? the actual steerer never snaps, it's where the legs are welded on. If you want a stronger joint there, something like the odyssey director forks (bmx forks) are really smart, take a look at a pair. It means theres a lot more are welded than on coventional forks. I really think someone should make a trials equivalent to a set of directors from 4130 with some hollow disc mounts like the dropouts... would be interesting, but expensive to prototype if theyre a failure.

FSA already make 100mm bottom brackets, and the Vario Styx already has a 100mm bottom bracket shell. (I have one!)

Personally, I've snapped 2 sets of forks on the steerer - the only reason the last set did't snap there was because they were echo controls with the thicker steerer tube where I think it would make more sense to run a thinner steerer with a larger diameter.

Although the forks I've just got are Zhi ones with a steel steerer so I'll be interested to see where they go as the seem pretty strong.

I was tempted by a Styx as it is a sensible design but I don't like ISIS having had problems in the past and I think it may have been slightly short for me. Also, I'm a bit tight so I went for an Adamant.

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Bring back Zebdi mk 4 as it was for trials and or street. Also do another version with 69 headangle and 12.5 inch bb for Dirt. They would both sell!! Planet X make them!! er just with better paint jobs... A frame that can do everything and has a seat, nice

Or Triton could make a Ti version for me? Luke? :-

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150mm bb rise frames, 40" long bars, 1200mmm wheelbases, NO SEATS, 1000 engagement point hubs that service themselves and 1kg stock frames (that are strong)

Bit ott but sounds cool

The tpa systems on each cylinder so each pad can individualy be ajusted.

Zoo forks with v brake mount.. (possibly on the rear but it could be too powerful and would maybe snap them)

stronger rear rims

good idea, however if the brake is set up right initially it is totally unnecessary.

A 35mm wide holy rim built like a ceramic d521

stronger azonic double walls

bring back older style maggie levers

Ashton should leave orange and join charge to use thier Ti tubes to make an ashton style of bike. could anyone photo shop that?

more BBs with a grease port.

cheaper rolhoff copies.

couldn't agree more. If I could get a new tpa for mine I would still be using it, might have to bodge something.

P.s. Grant is it true that you fell off the quarter at watford and broke some ribs?

Edited by sstein
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fair enough mate.

4 Bolt mounts under the seat stays.

Longer mod frames.

loses power im sure....like having reverse mount on forks increases power

why not have 26" trials frames with a bashplate, like the base ta26? because using a bashguard means that the thing you are stalling on is free to rotate as your pedals do... so if you wanted to turn your cranks to get them into a better position, you might lose your balance.

because its more weight...even mods are going to bashring now ( well, alot of them )

A 35mm wide holy rim built like a ceramic d521

stronger azonic double walls

bring back older style maggie levers

Ashton should leave orange and join charge to use thier Ti tubes to make an ashton style of bike. could anyone photo shop that?

more BBs with a grease port.

cheaper rolhoff copies.

Definitely, so much better than anything else; and a 4 finger 04 lever blade

Ashton aren't with orange, they're with diamondback now....

Decent chain tensioning systems.

Frames that have a bit of a larger rear triangle (I swear its impossible for the chain not to hit the frame in someway whatever the tension, with low frames such as Neon, Echo Lite etc).

4-bolt and Disc mounts on all frames (£250 Diamondback hardtail and trials bikes come like this as standard, so why not top spec trials bikes?)

More Hydroformed tubing (again, £300 Diamondback bikes include features such as Hydroformed downtube, so why can we only replicate this on a £400 frame?)

Splined freewheel/cranks, silly idea to have a high torque part such as a freewheel, threaded onto a crank (which over time is getting tighter, and without good instalation can soon get stuck).

Hydroformings a great idea.....nearly all £500+ xc / mountain bikes have hydroforming on them now, so why not the majorit of £1000 trials bikes?

Splined is a great idea...although ill bet tensile are working on it..

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LONG mod frames like 1065

Frames that arent made out of wank material and dont crack ! :P

Urgh god that would feel gash.

You're never going to find a trials frame that "wont crack". The stresses and strains you put through frame from riding trials are always going to weaken it. Anything, that gets bashed into the ground all day long is going to fail eventually, no matter what kind of material you make it out of.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Monty hose splitter, and same sided pistons (M6/M6) would do the trick. The pads would move in more uniformly?

The hose routing has nothing to do with the pads not moving in together/the tpa not adjusting both pads properly. They should both move uniformly anyway, but dirt/lack of lubrication in the slave cylinder seals and air bubbles cause one pad to move more than other. Normally a good clean out of the pad that doesn't move right, maybe lubricate the piston a bit and they move together :)

As for new parts, I think 1.5" steerer is a good plan. I'd also like to see some new tyre designs, loosing roational mass is the weight saving that matters the most, and tyres are the heaviest thing about wheels. In the ultimate case something as light as an XC tyre (400g for example)but that has the sideways stiffness of a maxxis would be amazing.

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