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Bristol Weekender!

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Luke, can you PM me your number so I can call you sometime next week and arrange when and where to get to yours. Otherwise I'll just park somewhere and come meet you guys at whereever we're all meeting to ride and then bring my car round later.

Would prefer if I could just get to yours in the morning, park there then ride in with you lot, would make things so much easier.

Cheers dude, looking forward to this.


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Luke, am I coming down friday?
I don't know, surely you should be telling me!

You're more than welcome to, and a few of the Plymouth boys will be travelling then I think, so may as well

Luke, can you PM me your number so I can call you sometime next week and arrange when and where to get to yours. Otherwise I'll just park somewhere and come meet you guys at whereever we're all meeting to ride and then bring my car round later.

Would prefer if I could just get to yours in the morning, park there then ride in with you lot, would make things so much easier.

Cheers dude, looking forward to this.


PMd ;)

There's no specific parking at ours, though there is free on-street parking, so it'll just be a case of finding a space (shouldn't be too hard hopefully)

Nick (and everyone else!) - We may as well meet there and then as usual, then work our way into town and onto wherever else

Worst part of it all though is that our place is up the big hill from the centre, which sucks after a long day of riding! :(

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*Monster J


*Orgun Donor

*Tyler T

Gianttrials + Ben

*Joe Rothwell



*Sex on wheels

*Ash Kennard

Trowbridge boys(tim h, graham, and a new member!)





Nick Manning (223_leeson) - Sean, my gf and me are crashing at Alex Mullholland

Sian (gf)

Sean Stanley

Alex Mullholland (Bristol Base)

john shrewsbury

Star next to your name means I'm under the impression you're staying at ours on either Friday/Saturday night, or both. Please let me know if any of this is incorrect

Keep the word out there guys, this needs to be MASSIVE!

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Hi people there is a possibility I might part take in the ride on Sunday. I need to go see Si about my ankle.

So might come down Sat night ride Sunday or come down Sunday ride and go back Monday.

Never been into Bristol before apart form going to Si house so might need some help finding you all on Sunday ;)

Well be sleeping in the back of me van if I can find somewhere to park.

Tom A

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Going to be nuts people :)

One thing I could do with knowing though is who is planning on staying at ours, and when.

If you could add your name/when to this list so I can get an idea of numbers, it would be much appreciated. If I don't know you're coming I can't guarantee anything!

Sorry if I've missed anyone that has contacted me, but I've lost track a bit so it's not intentional!

Friday Night;


Joe Rothwell

Rich (Maybe)

Saturday Night;


Ash Kennard

Joe Rothwell

Dave Pinney

Jon Mack

Rich (Maybe)

Martin Grainger and guest (possibly)

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