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What People Did When They First Started Trials?


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Getting my new trials bike monday or tuesday and was just wondering what you people first started learning and doing when you got yours!! I know how to do the pedal hop or back ohop what ever you want to call it!! so im kinda on the next stage and want to know what to start doing!! Thanks can use some help from you trials bikers out there!! :D

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Endo sidehops off things, it probably doesnt help you to learn alot but that was like the trick of the ages for me I loved it. My main advice would be, find some pallets, see what you can drop, see how high you can get up. And as you start learning and getting better, add to the stack (Y) Josh

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Find a curb, get inventive. Push yourself doing bigger stuff, the balance and power will come eventually.

Or so I'm told...

Thats what i did, still do now helps me get better unbelievably well, i just push my self to go further and bigger. Amazing what stuff you can find to do on a curb.

Connor (Y)

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When I first started trials, I always complaied about how nackering it was. I always bashed walls, hopped on curbs, roling hops, hoping on the back wheel and tyring to hop on the fron wheel. My faveiorute had to be wheelie drops

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when i first started, i rode with some people about 2 years older, and they bbullied me into pedal hopping of a 6 foot drop. worked though, kept doing it for about 3 hours after.

basicly you just need to push your self and keep at it (something i didnt really do)

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I recommend learning basic stuff on low stuff first like 2 pallets high, like rockwalks sidehops back wheel hops so on, thats how me and my mates started and i think it helps alot. Then when you feel comfortable add more pallets or try different stuff like sidehoping up benches.

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when we 1st started trialsing, i was just riding down a hill in to a big obstical of crates, we didn'nt know what to do when we 1st got them, we was trying trails, i think, but when we (me and my friends) saw trialsing on extreme sports, we tried hopping 1st :)

Edited by boo rider
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I would say practising things getting larger and larger, eg. sidehops, so after a while of riding you don't reach a block, just build yourself up in whatever you do. And learn to do things with both feet, like turning, and sidehopping both ways.

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well im new to trials although i can pedal hop and i havent set up my brakes yet so i cant do much but i have been pedal hopping on grass (softer than concrete) and thats quite fun trying to do it without dying its been getting me used to my new bike aswell

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