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Starting In Trials


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Firstly a massive welcome to Trials Forum and the Trials world. I hope you enjoy your stay and enjoy riding.

Now you mentioned you had a Echo control 2006 for your first bike. Very good choice (Y).

Now a few things for you to remember:

1 - Trials is an expensive sport so be prepared to put alot of money in to it.

2 - Make sure your committed to your riding so that you improve quickly.

3 - Also, you can't sit in a classroom 9am till 5pm and learn how to ride trials, it's a matter of getting out there and practicing. You will also learn from bails and stuff.

4 - Watching trials video's of other riders or riding with your friends and watching them ride helps alot to. Because you are able to see what they do and there technique etc.

5 - Finally. Enjoy trials, it's not all about being the best. Just get out there with your friends and have a laugh.

Also. Before going crazy on posting. Read the forum guidelines. Remember, correct use of Spelling and Grammar helps alot when coming to get validated. Be helpful. Don't post useless topics and also don't reply in threads that are silly.

All in all. Enjoy your stay :).

Peace out.


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