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Has A Stranger Ever Made A Difference


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ok baisically has anyone made a difference in your life that you didnt no?

i work in halfords and have done for sixth months fitting car stereos, my story starts baisically i went to university to do what i hoped was what i love (architecture ) before i moved to aberdeen i found out i had problems with my anxiety, a mild depression and a viral fatigue. baisically it was a vicious circle so i had to leave university, i find it very hard to get the get up and go some people just have. i get very jelous (as stupid as it sounds) of people who are always upbeat i prefer to hang about with them hoping it rubs of on me as sad as it sounds.

anyway today i was at work and a guy came in wanting a stereo , he seemed up his own arse at first, so i went out to his car started taking stereou out and fitting new one, we had few problems as needed to run cables for ipod conection and it was an audi tt so there wasnt much room. i came up with a few ideas then the guy started asking me questions about my life recently and what im doing working at halfords, he went on to ask about my grades from school then said im far to smart to work here ( i know some of you will say anyones to smart to work there lol) but it makes a difference, he started going on about his jobs working for aston martin and helping design formula 1 cars before that.

after it was all sorted he gave me a business card and said in 6 months time if your better give me a shout ill put you through uni and give you a job then shook my hand and walked off.

baisically this is first time anything like that has happened to me and its on my mind a lot at the moment how one person can change what you think.

Edited by Synergy
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make that conversation what drives you every day from now on.

TAKE THAT OPPERTUNITY I can't stress it enough. After I had arranged my accomodation and all for uni, 3M (biggest adhesive/tape manufacture in the world) approached me and offered me a job for a year, and then they would put me through uni, I am TOTALLY kicking myself because for them to put me through uni would completly remove the burden of loan repayments, they would want to employ me after the degree (not going to pay for a degree that they wont get to use) so i'd be straight on the money,but yeh, definately keep that card and work on sorting yourself out.

I think i have experiance the same as you, but at a younger age, when I was around 13-15 I had serious anxiety issues, I just couldn't hold it together but things DO get better. I found a counciller helped alot, not by telling me what to do, but by allowing me to realise that there was actually nothing I had to really worry about.

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ok baisically has anyone made a difference in your life that you didnt no?

i work in halfords and have done for sixth months fitting car stereos, my story starts baisically i went to university to do what i hoped was what i love (architecture ) before i moved to aberdeen i found out i had problems with my anxiety, a mild depression and a viral fatigue. baisically it was a vicious circle so i had to leave university, i find it very hard to get the get up and go some people just have. i get very jelous (as stupid as it sounds) of people who are always upbeat i prefer to hang about with them hoping it rubs of on me as sad as it sounds.

anyway today i was at work and a guy came in wanting a stereo , he seemed up his own arse at first, so i went out to his car started taking stereou out and fitting new one, we had few problems as needed to run cables for ipod conection and it was an audi tt so there wasnt much room. i came up with a few ideas then the guy started asking me questions about my life recently and what im doing working at halfords, he went on to ask about my grades from school then said im far to smart to work here ( i know some of you will say anyones to smart to work there lol) but it makes a difference, he started going on about his jobs working for aston martin and helping design formula 1 cars before that.

after it was all sorted he gave me a business card and said in 6 months time if your better give me a shout ill put you through uni and give you a job then shook my hand and walked off.

baisically this is first time anything like that has happened to me and its on my mind a lot at the moment how one person can change what you think.

im i mis understanding? better as in get well, or get better at your job.

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If the guy worked for Aston Martin and designed F1 cars then why oh why was he driving an Audi TT?

Maybe he likes them?

But seriously, this is a BIG deal. He obviously saw soemthing in you that was worthy of getting your uni course and everything paid for, something that i would feel absolutely fantastic about, the fact that a random stranger obviously liked my ideas and recognised the sort of skills he'd want in an employee and how he'd made the decision to put himself out of whats quite a bit of money nowadays.

Like jake said, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, make the very most of it and get yourself on the road to recovery as soon as physically possible. If people can have the determination to re-learn how to walk after horrific accidents where they'd been told they'd never walk again then i'm sure you can have an upbeat attitude.

Someone from aston martin liked you and your ideas and has just given you a free pass to get a f**king amazing start in life. DO NOT THROW THIS CHANCE AWAY!

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to be honest i never really thought about the chance i only thought about my life and what was wrong so thanks for you all pointing that out, i just went a 2km run (seems nothing) but with my viral fatigue i always lack energy but the run itself has given me energy ttl chuffed :)

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It's a big responsibility though, you'll start uni all over again, supposing you loose your motivation in the 2nd year - what then?

Then he's had his first year of uni/accomodation and bucked all the freshers for free!

It's thoughts like inur's, that will hold you back.Those thoughts will hold anyone back, im not saying you shouldn't take notice of them, because he makes a very valid point, but how does thinking about that gain anything?you will NEVER be able to answer that question, so why ask it? if that is what stops you, you'll be asking yourself for the rest of your life 'what if I had.......?'

I am shitting it about how i'm going to afford the second year of uni, but I am putting it to the back of my mind, because I know if I worried about the cost's involved, I wouldn't be going to uni in the first place, there is also NO point in worrying about something which is beyond my control, better to simply deal with it if the issue arises, then if it never happens I wont have wasted the energy on it anyway...

I know myself, that in the last year or so, the fact that im going to uni has given me serious motivation, I've changed alot since starting my HND, and I feel that it's the prospect of going to uni, that has brought many of these changes about. I think if I had of gone to uni two years ago, or even last year, I wouldn't have ben able to handle it, in terms of being too immature and not knowing exactley what I wanted to achieve.

In response to rhythm, personally I found out about my anxiety issues when I was a young teen by not being able to control my emitions at all. One second I'd be laughing and the next I'd be crying with worry. Wether or not it was 'just hormones' I don't know, but I do know none (bar one or two) of the other boys had the same issue.

If you don't at least phone this guy in a few months i'm going to have to make the trip up there and either make you phone him, or steal his card and phone him myself :P

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