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Shambo The Bull


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You never did say why you don't eat meat?

Well like I say, that's my business and no one else's really. I could very well ask why you do eat meat - although I don't really care! Nor should you be bothered about what I do. But since you ask:

They also claim plants as being sentient, albeit to a lesser degree than humans. The yogic justification for eating plants is that they are mostly a necessity for the survival of higher beings (humans, etc.) and it is better to eat that which is harmed less (as opposed to animals). Maybe nonsense, maybe not :)
That's interesting. I think that is fairly close to the reasoning behind me choosing not to eat meat, but expressed much more eloquently than I can come up with myself.

Since you said earlier that you would be more upset if your hamster died than a lot of people from a different country (Fair point), how would you feel about eating human flesh - from the same people who you don't care about?

it seems that a brain dead human is given a higher status than a healthy chinpanzee - many people would be offended at the very idea of compareing a human to an animal.

Try telling people that there are chimps with the intelligence of your average toddler and they're not impressed. Even less so if you mention Madelleine McCann... :o

Danny Wallace (funny guy) did a documentary called 'Chimps are People too'. He basically showed that Chimps have their own language, social groups, rituals, class system etc - I.e. things that make humans what they are. He also points out that humans have had thousands of years of learning passed down generations, and that chimps do not have this - therefore the differences in raw intelligence might be even smaller than you think. It's interesting anyway.

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Since you said earlier that you would be more upset if your hamster died than a lot of people from a different country (Fair point), how would you feel about eating human flesh - from the same people who you don't care about?

I would not eat human flesh through scientific proof that canibalism in any species causes problems... same as nailing your own sister (Y)

Danny Wallace (funny guy) did a documentary called 'Chimps are People too'. He basically showed that Chimps have their own language, social groups, rituals, class system etc - I.e. things that make humans what they are. He also points out that humans have had thousands of years of learning passed down generations, and that chimps do not have this - therefore the differences in raw intelligence might be even smaller than you think. It's interesting anyway.

Interesting; if chimps have been around longer than humans (apparantly) then you would think they either would be super-intelligent, or would've died out and been replaced by us... hmm

So the reason for eating plants is: 'Well, I gotta eat something!'

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So the reason for eating plants is: 'Well, I gotta eat something!'

Unless you're a yogi in which case you can get your energy from Prana, yes.

Interesting; if chimps have been around longer than humans (apparantly) then you would think they either would be super-intelligent, or would've died out and been replaced by us... hmm
I think that we share a common ancestor years back - I.e. Chimps went one way, we went the other. Now I'm not saying that chimps are as intelligent as humans (they're not) just that the difference is not as great as you might have thought. Either way, give it a few million years and it'll be interesting to see how intelligent the chimps are (That is if we haven't wiped them off the face of the earth for being a thread...).
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lol Ed, way to lower the tone.

Tomm - If chimps are like chimps now, what do you reckon they were they like when we were more like chimps? (IF we were)

Slightly less evolved? Maybe some now-extinct species similar to Gorillas or Orangutans? I'm not an evolutionary biologist though, I don't know!

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If a cow/bull has foot and mouth/tb/whatever weird disease, here in the UK it gets killed

Therefore the bull was killed

whether youre a farmer who loves his livestock, a president who loves his livestock or a monk who loves his livestock, doesn't matter. I can't see why they were expecting special treatment just because they dont eat it or breed from it.

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