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Shambo The Bull


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I'm sure most people have heard about the sacred bull in the temple in Wales.

He has been tested positive for TB (doesn't actually mean he has TB) and authorities are planning to kill him today.

I think it would be cruel and unnecessary for them to do this, they could simple put Shambo in isolation and treat him with antibiotics (as they would for a human).

Does anyone else have any thoughts or info about this?



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I fail to see why that particular bull is so revered, but when you compare the fact that other farmers in the area have had tens of cattle put down as a result of positive TB results, it seems a bit stupid that they're allowing one bull that's tested positive to be spared. I can fully see where the farmers are coming from, basically. There was one farmer who was talking about how one of his farming friends had had 80 cattle destroyed, but because it's not on TV and in the newspapers people don't give a shit, despite the fact that guy's livelihood's just been taken away. This is just one bull from a random Hindu monk setup. I'm sure they can deal with it...

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I fail to see why that particular bull is so revered, but when you compare the fact that other farmers in the area have had tens of cattle put down as a result of positive TB results, it seems a bit stupid that they're allowing one bull that's tested positive to be spared. I can fully see where the farmers are coming from, basically. There was one farmer who was talking about how one of his farming friends had had 80 cattle destroyed, but because it's not on TV and in the newspapers people don't give a shit, despite the fact that guy's livelihood's just been taken away. This is just one bull from a random Hindu monk setup. I'm sure they can deal with it...

lets go with stereotypes as the most feasible explanation...

farmers: no non-sense, down to earth, get on with it and keep your mouth shut. life's for living, not for moaning about.

religious fanatics (the sort of people that worship bulls): must be right at all costs, far to emotionally involved, scared about what god will think, did i mention must be right at all costs?, don't care about the general well being of others as long as them and their bulls are ok.

i hope the bull bites one of them and they get diseased. that'll teach em.

p.s, i dunno if it came across too well in my post but, i don't care about the bull or it's owners. at all.

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I fail to see why that particular bull is so revered, but when you compare the fact that other farmers in the area have had tens of cattle put down as a result of positive TB results, it seems a bit stupid that they're allowing one bull that's tested positive to be spared. I can fully see where the farmers are coming from, basically. There was one farmer who was talking about how one of his farming friends had had 80 cattle destroyed, but because it's not on TV and in the newspapers people don't give a shit, despite the fact that guy's livelihood's just been taken away. This is just one bull from a random Hindu monk setup. I'm sure they can deal with it...

I think the difference is that the farmers would kill their animals anyway their only concern is loss of profit - they don't actually care about the lives of their animals.

The owner's of this bull do seem to care for him not just for profit.

RicH_87 - I'm sure the Hindu monks do care about the well being of others. From what you say I rather think it is you who don't care about others. If the Bull did bite someone then they would not get TB.



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Being a farmer etc i get very irrate when i hear of things like this, When ever we have had TB the cows/bulls that have got it has had to be killed asap, so why should this one not, it is how it is done i do not see how these religious pricks can get exemption from this rule!


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Kill it,the poor things looks bollocks'd anyway,they can buy another and give it pretty flowers and make it feel special and believe it is different to all the other bulls in the world.

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Absolute mockery, The only thing more retarded than this are the people that believe a bull will save them from damnation (I dont have any clue about their religion and i'm sure it made sense thousands of years ago when it was dreamed up, but since then science can explain/disprove the majority of the shit they believe... oh well...)

As for someones comment, I hope the bull bites them..

If it does, It will no doubt be god and they'll all see the bigger picture and everything will be wonderful etc etc.. what a load of retards.

Kill the bull, Tell them tough shit its the world we live in, the world "god" looks over and if he really gave 2 f**ks he'd mircale the bull better...

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Kill the bull, Tell them tough shit its the world we live in, the world "god" looks over and if he really gave 2 f**ks he'd mircale the bull better...

and not kill his son...

I'd really enjoy killing that. I'd do it slowly and painfully infront of all the people that love it. Slash its limbs and shit first. ITS A BULL GET OVER IT!

i lol'ed

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I think the difference is that the farmers would kill their animals anyway their only concern is loss of profit - they don't actually care about the lives of their animals.

Get the flowers out your ear you f**king hippie, its got nothing to do with that! farmers kill there livley hood and income if this test comes back positive, why should this bull be an exception because some idiots think its a "special" "sacred bull" f**k that its just a stupid fat bull, the bull means far more to a farmer who buys his food with the profit of the cows rather than some stupid religios hippys who just pray to it.... goddam, bloody f**king stupid political correctness gone wrong that the killing of the cow has been prolonged this long, wasting judges times and stuff.

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Despite how certain situations would benefit from it, we cant have different laws/rules for different people/groups. If one bull is slaughtered due to being postive for TB, any that are positive should be killed.

This is of course disregarding the fact that the religion is f**king stupid anyway

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I'm so glad we stopped livestock farming recently...

Anywho, yeah i agree, theres shouldn't be one rule for some and another rule for others, but just to make things more interesting, if you look at it from the monks perspective-how would you feel if somebody told you your pet that you adore has tb and it has to be killed? i bet you wouldn't immediately say 'yes, please kill it now'? cant blame them for trying really

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