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Completely New To Trials


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Oi Oi

im James

Used to ride bmx street when i was younger,had quite a bad accident which put me off for a while

After sitting about for a couple years decided to start riding again recently,thought i'd give street trials ago

So basically i dont know to much... dont know where to start....dont know any decent sites...dont know any riders...i pretty much know nothing?!

stupidly thought i'd start by buyin a random frame an building up a bike.

just need help really....with everything


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Thats what pretty much did got a random frame (Base T20) and built it up. My mate had one said it was easy to learn on.

Now got my new frame Monty 221 ti and looking forward to building it up.

Welcome to the forum and trials


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the frame i bought is a 20" da bomb frame in pearlesent white

came with the wheels, bottom bracket,headset and front forks...can fit v brakes to it

just need help from there really

all depends on how much your willing to spend and what on.

I bought all my parts brand new and got hammered by my friends for buying on the forum and getting better parts for my money

but on the other hand im glad that i spent the money on the parts because my bikes actucally never breaks which is a plus point of buying new.

all i needed to do was buy a new frame once i had more money.

whats your budget?

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well i think so...bought it off ebay and the guy said it was so im takin his word for it...thing is ive seen loads of frames the same

woops didnt see the link thing u put in...no thats not the frame

looked on the same site..the frame looks more like the mission prodigy frames or the base one?!

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hey welcome to the forums :) lot's of my friends are BMXers *dirty gays in my opinion* OJ anyway welcome to the forums :D

You just made an enemy for life <_<;)

Anyway. I'd suggest taking a look around Tartybikes The majority of parts on there are good quality, and the tarts are a very helpful and recommended shop in the trials community :)

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