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Read The Gidelines- In Desperate Need Of Hs33

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read the rules first

"[*]For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat"

if you know why

why did you post this

Hes not exactly asking for someone to sell him a brake, just asking where to get hold of one for that money, lay off and give some advice instead of having a dig.

Try ebay, probably pick one up there for about that money, or have a look in Classified, you could always email a seller since NM's cant use Pm system.

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Hes not exactly asking for someone to sell him a brake, just asking where to get hold of one for that money, lay off and give some advice instead of having a dig.

Try ebay, probably pick one up there for about that money, or have a look in Classified, you could always email a seller since NM's cant use Pm system.

He blatantly says these topics aren't allowed, inclining me to think that he does want to buy one off the forum in NMC

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