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Rock Out With you **** Out


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aiiight im usin a koxx rim and have been using a set of coust v pads and its been bugger me silly unfknbelievable performance. soooo goood!!

anyhooz im goin to try out some maggies (dont ask y!!!)

and wanna try some diff pads just 4 a change (cuz i cant get cousts atm for mags in oz) so iv been hearing great things bout rockpads, but dunno which to go for??

im using a very worn grind but it works brilliantly and really cant be arsed doin another grind... so i guess its almost smooth but works.

Im thinking the greens "best for smooth rims"??

_oh yeah.. wat were the pads that some1 was recently sayin AL! c was using and found them to be quite grabby/good etc?? (did serch but no luck)

thx... :rockon:

Edited by Danny
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Ali uses the rockpad green in the vee backings. Hes using them on a light grind if i remember and they hold so fooking amazingly and are graby aswell they have impressed me that much from when i went on his bike im getting some now.

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  Matt Gibson said:
If you done wana spend LOADS I can send you some for free, got about 4mm of pad. you can try em out. but they work well on a lite/dead grind!


to australia???

if they work on a lite dead grind il be happy.... my cousts work brilliantly.

like i sed just tryin em for a change.

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