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Imagration To The Us?


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Last year my friend went to canada, whistler and has worked there for the last year as well as skiing and mtbing...b*****d....so ill get in touch with him and find out, but his thing may only have been a temporary visa and not a permanent one.

Yeah it seems easy enough to get temporary visas, providing you promice to leave come a certain time. Which i wont be.

You can become a US citizen if your engaged, but you have to marry within 90 days. So that's out of the question.

So i'm stuck at the moment really.

Tried searching for a forum where i could lay down my situation and see what people say, but no luck.

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Right..i dont want to put a downer on the whole situation, but if the reason for wanting to move is for a girl, Then just no lol. Uve met her for like 2 weeks? and you want to move to america to be with her. Serious?

I know englands girls arnt the cream of the crop, but im sure you could find a half decent bird here lol.

If you're wanting to move out there, because england is shit, then good luck to you..but i know america would be the last place id want to go if i was gonna move country..and ive been there 6 times :S.

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I know someone who did the same thing, he lived in america and she did, but quite a few states away from each other. After hearing how that ended, i said i'd never do that. But then again, i never thought i'd meet someone like Staci, love her to bits and trust her completely.

I know what i'm doing, i just don't know what i'm doing when it comes to moving country. :)

Edited by JT!
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I know someone who did the same thing, he lived in america and she did, but quite a few states away from each other. After hearing how that ended, i said i'd never do that. But then again, i never thought i'd meet someone like Staci, love her to bits and trust her completely.

I know what i'm doing, i just don't know what i'm doing when it comes to moving country. :)

There's nowt wrong with moving to a different country for a bird Joe - it worked for me (granted, I got sick of living there and re-imported her but still... ).

You might as well go for as long the temporary visa lasts JT, they'll probably let you renew it a few times on account of being english rather than arab or french

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Joe, i'm not sure how internet meeting you are, but he's spoken to her for 2 years, iirc every night for hours, so even if it is on the internet, that's pretty much a lot of 'time' together, fair enough this bird is local, but i've spoken to her for pretty much a year and only met her once or twice for a few mins, but i'd still try and make a move on her, anyday. It's only over the internet, it's really not that bad, i know people could be weirdos that are gonna rape you or some shit but as long as they're genuine people i don't think there's anything wrong with 'msn dating' or some shit.

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Joe, i'm not sure how internet meeting you are, but he's spoken to her for 2 years, iirc every night for hours, so even if it is on the internet, that's pretty much a lot of 'time' together, fair enough this bird is local, but i've spoken to her for pretty much a year and only met her once or twice for a few mins, but i'd still try and make a move on her, anyday. It's only over the internet, it's really not that bad, i know people could be weirdos that are gonna rape you or some shit but as long as they're genuine people i don't think there's anything wrong with 'msn dating' or some shit.

is this inspired by those mucky webcam pictures I showed you ?

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Though it would be pretty sweet moving elsewhere, don't give your life up for a chick man. Not worth it!

My friend has done a similar thing to what's been mentioned. She met an american guy on a gap year in Ireland about 4 years ago, and they've been "together" ever since. Like after the gap year ended he stayed round for a a while then had to go back to Cali. And they've been seeing each other on and off in UK/US when they can all this time, but last summer he tried to visit here from the US and immigration turned him away at the airport because he didn't have a reason really for coming over.

ANYWAY they're now engaged and getting married at the end of August. He's been over here for a couple of months already, but he can't work in paid employment in England until they're married otherwise he gets deported if caught!

He had few commitments over there so once they're married he's going to get a job in the UK (he's an awesome chef!) - she's still finishing uni and that. So it's worked out pretty well for them. Though she's only my age (21) so it's all a bit crazy for us mates seeing our friend getting married. On the plus side, he's a f**king quality bloke, we get to take him on a stag weekend AND go to a wedding :D

PS I find it funny people whinge about "immigrants" coming over and taking our jobs in this country, yet when they fancy leaving the UK cos the weather's shit and going elsewhere - they get all peeved cos they can't just up sticks and move out and into other countries! (Not saying this is your case JT!)

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Though it would be pretty sweet moving elsewhere, don't give your life up for a chick man. Not worth it!

What's he giving up ?

If he doesn't like it over there he can come back, if he does like it he's done the right thing.

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You know what I mean. Job? Friends? House he's renting/living in? Uni? Other education? Possessions he'll have to leave behind and put somewhere? Money that it'll cost him? Riding?! (you gonna take your bike?)


fair points - to which I have answers

Friends - interweb, phone, airplanes etc. (I'll grant, if you're skint none of that works) I was in Greece for the best part of 2 years and when I got back it was like I'd never been away

Uni - leaving education to move is an idiot idea, I'm sure JT isn't an idiot

Job - meh, if you got one before you can get another one (living in foreign parts makes you interesting in interviews too)

Posessions - leave em at your mum's house, it's surprising how little you miss.

Bike - fair enough, if you cant work over there you won't be able to get a new one. if you can work, you just buy a new one. You could ship it over easy enough anyway.

Money - easy come, easy go.

House - renting, go at the end of the contract. if you own it, rent it out while you're gone.

The most important thing to remember is that you can always just go running back to mum if it all goes pear shaped.

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I'd say I think I'm going to be in a similar situation but in a few years, I'm pretty interested in how you're gonna go about doing this. I'm hoping to get a Uni placement in my 3rd year in America and then aim to move there after University once I've got a little more money together.

If I were you, I'd get looking online / everywhere for jobs, and try to secure a job even if it means you having a video conference for an Interview - I've heard of that happening for placements with the Uni I'm going to.

Once you do that and get a job, you can show the confirmation letter to the US embassy and then Apply for perminant citizenship so you can live and work forever. That's what I'd do anyway :)

Hope everything goes alright.

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You might as well go for as long the temporary visa lasts JT, they'll probably let you renew it a few times on account of being english rather than arab or french

That's what i'm kinda thinking. If it's a guy who decided there and then, i know i'd be able to convince him to renew it no problems. But i'd prefer something more guarented.

All i will say is..you wouldnt catch me moving abroad for a girl, thats for sure

Then i feel sorry for you.

THOUGHT!!! you thought

I missed the 't' off so i had spares to call u a tit in this post. :P

Why not make her come over here? never quite understood why the guy takes it upon himself to up root and move to another country

It's more benifical for me to move than her finacially, emotionaly and practically. There's other things too, but her moving here is pretty much out of the question with good reason.

You know what I mean. Job? Friends? House he's renting/living in? Uni? Other education? Possessions he'll have to leave behind and put somewhere? Money that it'll cost him? Riding?! (you gonna take your bike?)


fair points - to which I have answers

Friends - interweb, phone, airplanes etc. (I'll grant, if you're skint none of that works) I was in Greece for the best part of 2 years and when I got back it was like I'd never been away

Uni - leaving education to move is an idiot idea, I'm sure JT isn't an idiot

Job - meh, if you got one before you can get another one (living in foreign parts makes you interesting in interviews too)

Posessions - leave em at your mum's house, it's surprising how little you miss.

Bike - fair enough, if you cant work over there you won't be able to get a new one. if you can work, you just buy a new one. You could ship it over easy enough anyway.

Money - easy come, easy go.

House - renting, go at the end of the contract. if you own it, rent it out while you're gone.

The most important thing to remember is that you can always just go running back to mum if it all goes pear shaped.

Your pretty much on the money Mr P Pipe, i'm not in education, i have a shitty part time job, i don't have many posessions, i'll be taking my bike and laptop with me, that's all i care about. I'm good with my money, and luckilly have a lot saved up and i'm currently living in my parents home.

I'd say I think I'm going to be in a similar situation but in a few years, I'm pretty interested in how you're gonna go about doing this. I'm hoping to get a Uni placement in my 3rd year in America and then aim to move there after University once I've got a little more money together.

If I were you, I'd get looking online / everywhere for jobs, and try to secure a job even if it means you having a video conference for an Interview - I've heard of that happening for placements with the Uni I'm going to.

Once you do that and get a job, you can show the confirmation letter to the US embassy and then Apply for perminant citizenship so you can live and work forever. That's what I'd do anyway :)

Hope everything goes alright.

I have actually had a job offered, if i need to, i could apply, get it (hopefully) and then use that to get there.

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I think you may have some trouble JT, I really don't think its as easy as applying and then going. It takes a LONG time for documents to travel and get approved (at least in Austrailia it does).

The easiest way to do it is with a skilled trade. Doctors, plumbers, carpenters, IT managers and builders are good ones to go for. Although even after it isn't promised, you'll have to have a good few years experience in your profession.

Several other things can affect your application. Criminal record (if so, forget it), drivers license, income, savings and also if you're willing to 'invest' (give away) a lot of money into American economy.

Visa's are given because the country wants to benefit from you; they're looking after themselves and couldn't care less about your personal goals.

So basically immigration = work, work, work and work.

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  • 2 months later...

Friends moving to Canada next year, took him 13 months to get his Visa, and Canada is a lot easier to get into then America.

Personally, i'd apply now, by the time you've made a proper decision you'll have the ability to go over there if you so please.

Personally, i think its silly moving country for a girl you met over the internet, and as does by the looks of it this whole thread, so maybe have a proper think about this.

For example, think about it unbiasedly, take the girl out of the equation, what happens then? You are in an alien country, unfamiliar, not knowing hardly anyone. What happens if you need a job, where do you go to find that job, personally, i know where the nearest job center is, i know the local hotspot for shit evening jobs if i get stuck, i know the local websites address for this area to find accommodation if i so need, i know the local fuel stations, i know how to get to the countys shopping mall, i know how to get to the capital.

Its little things here that you've just become accustom to knowing, but when you lose that, its a lot more to deal with then you might think.

Also, i'm not randomly trying to put you off without doing my research, but my mum maybe moving away and i wont be going with her and one of the options i considered was Canada, and infact still am, its a hard decision and one with so many avenues to think about and contemplate.

I for one wont be moving without having a job where i'll be moving to, one it helps you get into the country, infact if i get a job in Canada i can be over there in a few months.

Meh, not sure what i'm trying to see, but just take the girl out of this decision then go through the options and reasons, hell, draw a brain storm, make a for/against diagram, this is a serious decision and shouldn't just be taken because you know some girl over there, personally.

*waits for Bongo to abuse no doubt*

Don't get me wrong, i'd love for you to move and it all be roses, fluffy white clouds and red hearts, but this is the real world, we are tied down by paper work, official laws and procedures that make things not so fairy dust like.

PS, have i already replied in here? haha, if i have, sorry. :lol:

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Simon, thanks for expessing your opinions several times, but i know what i'm doing.

I need anyone's help to get me into this country!

How about temperary work visas? And just renew them every now and again?

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I think its brilliant moving to the US lovely weather you get much more for your money anyways...

I don't know anything about immagrating and all the work visa stuff, but a close family friend went traveling and now she is in Australia, and some how she has got a very well paid job in HSBC, so maybe theres an easier way of just go there for "traveling" and then getting a work visa or what ever you need, if I can get in contact with her I will ask.

Good Luck.

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