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Has anyone seen the comments made in the newspapers about Facebook? I find it quite funny that a newspaper for the people is making distasteful and negative remarks about a website for the people! Seems contradicting in a way!!! he he


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Surely Facebook is like MySpace (I know nothing about Facebook BTW...) in that it's just a way of creating advertising potential? Or in other words it's using the 'social' aspect of the human race as a marketing tool?

Not that I care - I don't use any of those sites. I think they suck. Especially MySpace - as someone said, it's just one big emo popularity contest...

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I'm not on Facebook, but i am on MySpace, but as far as i can tell, Facebook is MySpace done right.

We are currently pitching for a project that will use Facebook's API, and that to me spells out very clearly how big Facebook has become.

It's apparently worth near on $8bn too, and founder is only 23... :( Wish i could think of shit like that. :S

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Wish i could think of shit like that.

But think of what? It's just another alternative to MySpace, Bebo etc but a bit more uniform and tidy. Main reason I got on Facebook was because it's really easy to upload pictures to... but that's hardly innovative! I also don't understand how something like facebook can be worth $8bn... there's only one advert per page... meh.

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True, I agree with you on that one. Truth be told, your on my Facebook account anyway as a friend! Lol. It has it's pro's and con's, like any other webpage. BTW, the article I'm referring to is in the Sun today, on page 6 I believe - Underneath the Cartoon


But think of what? It's just another alternative to MySpace, Bebo etc but a bit more uniform and tidy. Main reason I got on Facebook was because it's really easy to upload pictures to... but that's hardly innovative! I also don't understand how something like facebook can be worth $8bn... there's only one advert per page... meh.

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But think of what? It's just another alternative to MySpace, Bebo etc but a bit more uniform and tidy. Main reason I got on Facebook was because it's really easy to upload pictures to... but that's hardly innovative! I also don't understand how something like facebook can be worth $8bn... there's only one advert per page... meh.

the reason its worth so much is beacuse soo many people see it, its like a prime time tv slot, if they increased the adds theys make a fortune

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i haven't got a facebook account but from what i can tell from friends and forums it's becoming more and more like myspace.

myspace is still better imo, but i only really use it to keep track of bands i like (new songs/shows/news etc) so i don't really use it like the majority do.

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To quote Wikipedia...

in April 2006, revenue was rumored to be over $1.5 million per week

Bear in mind that in April 2006 lots of us didn't even know of it's existence. It's prime advertising potential. It's one of those exponentially expanding websites, because once a few members of a group of friends have accounts, the others want them too to stay in touch. Because it's free it's accessible. Like TV, magazines and MySpace, it's all about advertising, marketing and generating a big wedge of revenue. Whilst people might think MySpace is 'cool', the members are really just cogs in Murdoch's big money making machine.

But hey, it's free, and anyone with Firefox can kill the adverts anyway...

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But think of what? It's just another alternative to MySpace, Bebo etc but a bit more uniform and tidy. Main reason I got on Facebook was because it's really easy to upload pictures to... but that's hardly innovative! I also don't understand how something like facebook can be worth $8bn... there's only one advert per page... meh.

I've got both.

Much prefer facebook to be honest. You can't PROPERLY have peple customising their pages, no shitty backgrounds, huge loading images and hacking opportunities for phishing etc. Hardly any adverts, not that I notice anyway!

Facebook looks a lot better, and works a lot better. You can tell the code they've created works seemlessly.

Apparently facebook is amazing for developers too, who can make apps for people to add like SuperPoke and stuff, pretty snazzy. All they need to do is learn some of the shortcuts for facebook's platform and then it makes checking if someone's logged in amazingly easy, only one line of code, compared to quite a few if their system was any different.

The guy that runs facebook is a goon though. He's a right geek lol.

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I personally think Myspace is better than Facebook, bebo whatever. It's just so much better and alot more functional and doesn't look as gay. It's organization is 10x better than the others as well. Nothing will ever take myspace now. It's become to big.

Peace out.


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How can you say myspace is more functional than facebook?

its slow, awkward to use, especially when people start using stupid backgrounds and formats so you have to spend 5 minutes looking around for the 'comment' button or whatever ...

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How can you say myspace is more functional than facebook?

its slow, awkward to use, especially when people start using stupid backgrounds and formats so you have to spend 5 minutes looking around for the 'comment' button or whatever ...

Ding Ding Ding.

+1 for that. Saying myspace is more 'functional' than facebook is a pile of bullshit. Customizable by getting script to write over more script? Makes pages take 100x longer to load mate.

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How can you say myspace is more functional than facebook?

its slow, awkward to use, especially when people start using stupid backgrounds and formats so you have to spend 5 minutes looking around for the 'comment' button or whatever ...

Haha, you should see my profile. You would die.

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I only joined facebook cause of the trials forum group thingy. But i actuallyquite like it.

I use all three. myspace has most rider friends on it, bebo mostly people from school, and facebook is mostly people met in pubs and clubs.

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but srsly, 8 is wayyy too young to let their kid on the internet.
Your parents let you?

Facebook is just myspace for normal people. Myspace is definitely linked to music and now emo stuff - normal people are scared off. Unless they shake that image, then no other groups in society will join, but if they do try and go more mainstream, they will lose the emos (You know what they think of MAINSTREAM). Plus anyone with any common sense is pissed off with the time it takes to load, read, or find ANYTHING on there.

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done use facebook or bebo, just myspazz,

bebo just seemts to chavvy/slaggy, full of burberry,henri lloyd and girls who are 14 who like boyz who drive in saxos which are well lush.

facebook just seems, well tooo following a trend.

facebook probably will overtake myspace,which overtook bebo, which overtook faceparty. while msnspaces, got left in a world of its own with no one using it.

then something will overtake facebook, and the whole thing will carry on again.

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