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Onza This Is Actually A Joke!


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I was in need of a new rear hub, and it had to be a sealed one, so i decided to choose an onza T-master one as they are not as pricey compared to the deng (echo ect) ones and they seem to be quite solid. So to the point, I've orderd a onza t-master hub from onza through a bike/trials shop. This order was taken well over 10 weeks ago, initially i was taking my As exams so i was not that botherd about when it came, but when i had completed my exams i had lots of more free time, i wanted to ride. So like any normal person, i asked where was it, so i got the shop right on it, they ring onza and ask were it was, their response was they've sent it. Ok that was at the 2 week stage, and for the next 4 weeks i did the same (rung them ect) and onza gave the same response, ok there cant of bean a postal mistake as this shop regularly deals with onza. Ok now its 6 weeks and i haven't been riding :angry: so the people at the shop gave me a replacement rear wheel as the current one dose not run for obvious reasons, so i was a bit happier, but this wheel had a hashish grind on, so not ideal for my rock greens, but i was riding so it was ok i spose. The people at the store have bean hastleing onza for the hub, but they don't seam to get anywhere. All i want is a my old rim with a new T-master hub, so that's my situation to date, what are my options? can i get any discount from onza due to there cok up, what can i expect, and are onza always this slack!! would you wait over 10 weeks for something to arrive and pay the full wack?

help, max

ps, i hope onza/supercycles read this to clear up this mess :S

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oh dear. f**kwits... just phone them and tell them that if they dont get their asses into gear.. scewse the pun..:o.. then your going to stab them. in they eye. with a spork. no joking just phone them and say basically youve been waiting ten weeks, you think its a joke and if it doesnt come in the next week, to you, with discount then you wont deal with them again, and then carry it on by asking them wether they kno that if you tell all of your friends and they tell all of theirs and so on then they will loose alot os custom.. which is true... anyway, if that doesnt work then try the spoking thing lol.

any ways.. good luck

Tay.. x

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  EssexGalTay said:
oh dear. f**kwits... just phone them and tell them that if they dont get their asses into gear.. scewse the pun..:o.. then your going to stab them. in they eye. with a spork. no joking just phone them and say basically youve been waiting ten weeks, you think its a joke and if it doesnt come in the next week, to you, with discount then you wont deal with them again, and then carry it on by asking them wether they kno that if you tell all of your friends and they tell all of theirs and so on then they will loose alot os custom.. which is true... anyway, if that doesnt work then try the spoking thing lol.

any ways.. good luck

Tay.. x

(stab em)

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  max-t said:
iIf**king hate Onza, they copy everyones designs and rip people off .

they rip people off? get a f**king grip there stuff is probabley the cheapest about. all people starting trials pretty much get an onza, koxx is a rip off.

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I have steered clear of responding to this thread because it has attracted so many idiot replies. However, after the last two postings I thought that something needs straightening out.

First of all we have not had T-Master rear hubs in stock for several months. In response to dealer requests we always try to help out in such cases as we have many damaged wheels in stock from half price replacements and team bikes, from which we have tried to find something suitable. I accept that our response may have partially fallen short of acceptable but the customer and the shop in question must shoulder some responsibility. What to him is a major problem , is to us a minor matter as we grapple with a worldwide bicycle and component distribution company. We need regular prompting for such situations. There has been an ongoing problem confirming whether it was 32 or 36 hole and finally today we have ascertained that it was 32 hole. Unfortunately after extensive checks we have nothing suitable. To try and help the dealer and the customer, we have a small air shipment coming tomorrow on which is 10 of the new rear sealed bearing hubs in 32 hole which were use with prototype bikes and team bikes. We have decided in the circumstances to make one of these available for him and should ship it tomorrow.

Please be aware that we have appointed Moore Large and company as our UK distributors and there may be supply problems on certain items as distribution moves from us to them.

I would like to say that we have a well publicised telephone number and maybe it would have been better contacting us and trying to sort out the problem directly rather than opening this can of worms.

In answer to some of the other criticisms and abuses on this thread,

1. We may be a lot of things here but we certainly are not f**kwits. (what is a spork by the way?)

2. Onza is not crap.

3. Far from copying everybody elses designs and ripping people off, we are one of the most innovative trials bike companies in the world and certainly one of the biggest and we probably give the best value for money. Fortunately for us our products are often better appreciated in other countries of the world than here in our own home market.

4. We have more than a " clue " about trials bikes. We have been designing, building and riding them now for over 10 years.

5. Where do some of you think that Tarty buys there Onza and Tensile parts from? If we don't have it , it is very unlikely that they will.

6. A special thank you to Synergy for a sensible response.

Finally, the previous posting is a total lie. I presume he has all the evidence for making this outrageous claim.

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Supercycles have actually got an alright service. i ordered a t-pro ultimate and it arrived 3 days later. and just to be fair i wouldnt say onza rip other peoples ideas after all ask anyone on the street about a trials bike and they'll of heard of onza.

Edited by Matty M
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Im SO glad to see mike completly call that twat out and call him a liar.

I look forward to seeing the evidence. (why is it when someone makes a post like that they rarely back it up??)

To the starter of the thread, your contract of sales is between you, and your shop. not between you, the shop and supercycles/onza, im really suprised that mike has actually offered to sort this for you, specially after you've opened this 'can of worms' when onza havnt even done anything wrong.

How do you expect onza to send you anything when they havn't got it?? why didn't your bike shop tell you they didnt have any? It's your local shop you need to be complaining to, had they done their bit right in the first place, you'd have been informed that the hubs were not in stock, and would take a while to arrive, if at all...

I suppose it's stupid of me to be suprised, I often forget that this forum is full of teenagers...

  koxx 20 said:
Onza is crap end off call the shop tell then you want your money back or your going to take them to court :)

lol, your a wanker, if you don't ride it, or own it, it's shite.

That is the impresion you give me.

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  Mike Poyzer @ Onza said:
I have steered clear of responding to this thread because it has attracted so many idiot replies. However, after the last two postings I thought that something needs straightening out.

First of all we have not had T-Master rear hubs in stock for several months. In response to dealer requests we always try to help out in such cases as we have many damaged wheels in stock from half price replacements and team bikes, from which we have tried to find something suitable. I accept that our response may have partially fallen short of acceptable but the customer and the shop in question must shoulder some responsibility. What to him is a major problem , is to us a minor matter as we grapple with a worldwide bicycle and component distribution company. We need regular prompting for such situations. There has been an ongoing problem confirming whether it was 32 or 36 hole and finally today we have ascertained that it was 32 hole. Unfortunately after extensive checks we have nothing suitable. To try and help the dealer and the customer, we have a small air shipment coming tomorrow on which is 10 of the new rear sealed bearing hubs in 32 hole which were use with prototype bikes and team bikes. We have decided in the circumstances to make one of these available for him and should ship it tomorrow.

Please be aware that we have appointed Moore Large and company as our UK distributors and there may be supply problems on certain items as distribution moves from us to them.

I would like to say that we have a well publicised telephone number and maybe it would have been better contacting us and trying to sort out the problem directly rather than opening this can of worms.

In answer to some of the other criticisms and abuses on this thread,

1. We may be a lot of things here but we certainly are not f**kwits. (what is a spork by the way?)

2. Onza is not crap.

3. Far from copying everybody elses designs and ripping people off, we are one of the most innovative trials bike companies in the world and certainly one of the biggest and we probably give the best value for money. Fortunately for us our products are often better appreciated in other countries of the world than here in our own home market.

4. We have more than a " clue " about trials bikes. We have been designing, building and riding them now for over 10 years.

5. Where do some of you think that Tarty buys there Onza and Tensile parts from? If we don't have it , it is very unlikely that they will.

6. A special thank you to Synergy for a sensible response.

Finally, the previous posting is a total lie. I presume he has all the evidence for making this outrageous claim.

Firstyly, a spork is like a spoon[Alex!!] and part fork, it is far better than both because it is multi purpose, sort of like a multi-tool but for food, which also makes it awesome! and secondly, im both shcked and dis-mayed that you dont know what it is anmd thirdly, in response to your essay, he only put it on here to see if any one could shed some light, and if you read his comments, then you will see that he has tried all of your suggestions. Also, even after you wrote all of that, the situation was still not resolved and so your posting was meaning-less!! so shut up hoe!! x any way... hope you get it sorted out soon, sorry that 'Mike Poyzer @ Onza' works for shuch a shit company and hope the job centre sorts you out a better job soon, from err Tay..?!:Slol

mwa x x x x

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  EssexGalTay said:
Firstyly, a spork is like a spoon[Alex!!] and part fork, it is far better than both because it is multi purpose, sort of like a multi-tool but for food, which also makes it awesome! and secondly, im both shcked and dis-mayed that you dont know what it is anmd thirdly, in response to your essay, he only put it on here to see if any one could shed some light, and if you read his comments, then you will see that he has tried all of your suggestions. Also, even after you wrote all of that, the situation was still not resolved and so your posting was meaning-less!! so shut up hoe!! x any way... hope you get it sorted out soon, sorry that 'Mike Poyzer @ Onza' works for shuch a shit company and hope the job centre sorts you out a better job soon, from err Tay..?!:Slol

mwa x x x x

Just thought I would let you know Mike owns Onza and has been a huge influance in the world of UK trials. Made it possibly for kids that cant afford to ride a Koxx etc to actually own a trials specific bike.

I'm suprised he has actually taken notice to your post.

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  Joe@Onza said:
Just thought I would let you know Mike owns Onza and has been a huge influance in the world of UK trials. Made it possibly for kids that cant afford to ride a Koxx etc to actually own a trials specific bike.

I'm suprised he has actually taken notice to your post.

I'm with you 100% in that. He's made it so noobs like me can ride trials without having to spend £££'s!!!

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