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First Bike..?


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I learnt to ride a bike on my sisters Barbie bike :lol:. Which I destroyed ramming into curbs for some reason (I was a crazy child)

My first trials bike was a t-bird whoop whoop

Now I have a high spec t-pro and upgrading more on it soon.


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First trials bike was:

Onza t-bird, blue and grey one.

Zoo bars, echo stem

Koxx rims front and rear

Onza t-master sealed bearing hubs

Maxxis creepy crawlers

Echo team forks

Front and back magura hs33's with koxx bloxx browns front and rear on super harsh grinds

Monty cranks

Eno freewheel.

Was probably the nicest bike ive had.


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My first bike was a "concept Timberwolf" awesome bike but weighed more than me at the time.

Then a gt 24" bmx cruiser legendary bike still have that, used all the time for getting around.

My first trials bike was a T-bird "yay" (also nicknamed the T-birdcrap)

And now a GU stock (GU forever!)

(and a Sunday! bmx super light .... super cool)

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Just Wondering what every had for their first bike?!....

Myne, other than the lil pink barbie thing that i can recall every girl getting when they were about two was a bmx... thats how i started biking funnily enough!!xx

Tay.. x


my first trials bike was a zona zip only got it the other week for 180 full build , yes the front wheel was missing 10 spokes neaarly a 3rd but fixed and rides well , iv bin dirt jumping and picking up trials real easy

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My first bike, well..... the less said about that the better. A nasty little bmx with white plastic mags and a white paintjob that was glow-in-the-dark!!!!!

Many years later, well 1995 to be exact got myself what i guess people now would consider an "old skool" trials bike, Cannondale F500 headshock locked out, hs 22's (remember them?) it was my pride and joy, only prob was i kept snapping them, had 5 of them in all!!!!!

Had to stop riding in 98 due to cracking a vertabrae, but just building up a 3rd "first" bike, custom frame "old skool" goemetry, hope mini trials, rs7 trials, and the rest to be diecided, currently riding with other parts i got from mates, or had lying around.


living in finland

was a Plymouth local!

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