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Will The Future Be Boring?


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Sorry, topic posted itslef before i wrote it... fixing

I was browsing youtube yesterday, looking at the kind of entertainment that was popular in the 80's. I'm takling about toys, games, video games, tv shows, adverts etc. Everything seemed so fresh and innovative. Kids would get excited with basic toys (now they need RC cars that can shoot rockets), shows were actually fun and adverts weren't stupid. It's only been about 30-40 years since mass media has become so popular and people are already running out of ideas. I don't mind all the crap on TV because I don't have to watch it, but the scary thing is that many people do. All this bullshit is drastically deteriorating our culture, more and more people need crappy entertainment in the form of Big Brother or this show where celebrities dance tango, salsa, rumba etc. (pretty sure you have it in the uk).

Sometimes i go back to the shows that were popular in the late 90's, and which i found awful and primitive back then, but comparing to what is popular today, were not at all that bad. This is definitely getting worse and worse, I just wonder how bad it will get until people realize something has to be done about it. I think it's mainly to do with people running out of ideas, today the more controversial the show, the more viewers it will get no matter how stupid it is. Surely there's something more to TV than just money? So basically if we're already short on good ideas, is there any chance that TV will become interesting in the future?

Another thing is ads, just look at the Isuzu Gemini ones, they were pure genius. Why can't car ads be at least half as good today? Surely marketing experts know how to promote products but they all do it in the same way. It's just going to get worse i tell you. There's going to be absolutely no contrast between ads at all. Meh, that's it for now. I just hope that in 20 years time the world won't be full of crap as it's already getting really boring. But what toys/ads/shows will people think of when all the ideas will have been used up? Re-use the old ones? That would be kind of good, a retro life... But surely there is a limit to peoples creativity and as of today, I think humans have reached it.

Edited by Inur
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Well played.

Tv is shit, all they want is your money in exchange for SHIT. Nothing decent on these days, maybe brainiac, mythbusters when i watch it on the net (freeview ftl) and the rest is balls.

Deal or no deal is the most shit program ever, and my mum is addicted to it.

f**k that.

I want good quality raw viewing, not some f**kwits in a house for a couple of weeks, or some c**ts opening some boxes on a program that is blatantly fixed.

It's just complete shit, i rarely watch TV these days.

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But surely there is a limit to peoples creativity and as of today, I think humans have reached it.

I totally disagree, but I would say it may seem like that due to when something becomes remotely popular companies flood the market with carbon copies and so it seems like no is being creative when in fact it just people trying to make a quick buck off the latest trend!

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was thinking of this subject the other day. Watched MacGyver.. If they remade it, the show would be super hightech with lasers and shit. But back then it was all simple, some basic physics and some modifications of the laws of physics.. he didn't even have a cell phone.

luckily i don't own a TV and i spend all my time around music, which will never become boring. :)

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You never seen the film "Demolition man" ?

We will live in a peaceful community. Where sex, smoking, beer and anything bad will be taken away. Everytime you swear you will get a fine :P.

Yep. The future is going to be gay unless. They take trials to the sky and invent flying cars LMAO.


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i think entertainment will become hugely more interactive. other than that im unsure.

maybe its just me, but i actually think TV's gettin better. dont get me wrong, all the big new shows are crap. but i find myself watching films, and documentaries, where as a couple of years back i despised tv, maybe its jst im getting boring and can settle down to watch documentaries. but i can easily waste a weekend between 520 and 534 on the skybox. watched docus about forest fire fighters, subaru rally team(seriously i love this show, 8pm saturdays disco channel). a bit of ray mears, 2 episodes of lockdown(missed the womans prison one as sounded a bit crap). a docu on SWAT, another on the aryan brotherhood, one on the washington sniper, and another on san quentin prison, all kept me entertained. oh yea and football factories int'l(but thats probably a crap show, but i cant see it for my sexual attraction to danny dyer)

could also sit and watch " a 4x4 is born, kit car world, a kit car is born, a bike is born, so on and so forth for days on end".

adjust the programs you view, and youll be in heaven, honest, could break channels 100-519(althought 111 is sometimes good, top gear ***) and 534-999. and id be happy

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luckily i don't own a TV and i spend all my time around music, which will never become boring. :)

^^clearly doesn't own a radio either

People have always ripped other peoples ideas off - I'd be prepared to stake Fat Pant's life on the suggestion that almost every "revolutionary" idea that's been brought forth over the last couple of hundred years can be traced back to the rennaisance (which is when we actually ran out of new ideas) or earlier (science doesn't count).

What I'm trying to say is that plagiarism is at the very foundation of our culture and more importantly it's essential to progress. The theft and reinterpretation of ideas has resulted in all sorts of cool and iconic shit - blackpool tower, shaving ryans privates, the architecture of ancient rome - the list is endless (and varied)

The problem these days is that communication happens so fast it's very easy for people with no talent at all to steal an old idea and swamp every available medium with a slightly modified and shite version of the original almost overnight.

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With things like this...


Will entertainment become boring..? I doubt it. I mean imagine the possibility's of watching a 3d horror and actually being terrified.. or playing a game and feeling like your in it...

I think that once this sort of thing starts to be introduced to homes.. entertainment will have only just begun.


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that light sabre bit was well cool, but, its not that revolutionary, 20 quid webcams can make sunglasses follow your eyes and can put a beard and that onto your face...

that is from 2004 though, so maybe that was the first of that technology.

hmm, the rest was quite impressive.

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logitech do it, just need the software. and a decent quality cam so it doesnt get confused.

i had a thing (you can download certain images to put on your face),which made me have an axe that would look like it was comically in your head. (that barely makes sense)

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