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Popular Frames


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  jsychem said:
As i live in jersey i don't really know which is the most popular frame used and as i am considering getting a new frame (mod) i would like to know which is the most common!

i dont really think that the most common frame or even the most popular frame has much to do with getting a new one, because if you get a new frame you should be thinking about your personal preference like if you want a short frame (like a monty) or a long-ish frame like a echo lite, and also you need to consider wheelbase and stuff, but to awnser your question the most popular frame (for begginers) is probable a onza t-pro and im not sure for better people :)


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  jsychem said:
As i live in jersey i don't really know which is the most popular frame used and as i am considering getting a new frame (mod) i would like to know which is the most common!

its probably a zoo python everone uses them or some kind of koxx frame xtp or levelboss they are quite strong so i have heard aswell try it .

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Get a Zhi off of tarty bikes. My mate has one and it is awsome to ride. If not get an echo lite (short) all of the wheel base and lengths are the same apart from a 5mm difference in bottom bracket height.

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Most popular (or most common mod frame), is definately the T-Pro/T-Comp frame.

As for a recommended bike, I've heard good things about the Zona Zip, it looks nice, has a similar geo to the reputable 05 Python's and come's with a bashplate fitted. Also consider the value of this frame compared to others.

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