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Switzerland Squealer


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Easy as that :P

Hours/days of practice for me ended in many many times falling over the handlebars, and not much else. Never 'got it' :(

:S I seen someone on a bmx do them and tried myself and could get them straight away. Can go for however long i want usually... my only problem is reversing into stuff/people :$

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I can do that reasonable well but cant get the one were you roll back then flick the backwheel in the air and go along without scootering the wheel. iv'e seen alic do it in his vids manytimes but can never quiet find the balance point :S

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Easy as that :P

Hours/days of practice for me ended in many many times falling over the handlebars, and not much else. Never 'got it' :(

Haha, nah, i gave a simple explanation, but i can't f**kin do them!

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Anyone know why it has that name?


RL Osborn, BMX Action september 1985 : I started wheel-walkin' about a year ago, but I was standing on the front pegs. It was a variation for front wheel hops. Then, I saw Martin Aparijo and Eddie Fiola doin' it the same way. All three of us were attempting to perfect it using the front fork pegs. Then while I was in Switzerland (in May), I tried doing it with my left foot on the pedal and I got it dialed. I haven't seen Eddie or Martin since I got back, so I don't know if they learned it this way yet. Yup, it helped me a lot doing those shows in Switzerland.

Gork, BMX Action september 1985 : With the recorder goin' full bore and RL scooting backwards tons of times for the camera, I intensely quizzed the Rad Lad for every detail I could get on how to do this maneuver. Imagine my surprise back at the office when the last word I heard was "Switzerland" and then a "squeak... squeak... squeak!" of RL 's front brakes when he would push the wheel. Not one word was left from there on -only the squeaking of brakes drowning out all the taped info. After playing it over a few times for Steve, a little 60 watt light bulb appeared above his head. "That's what we'll call it, The SWITZERLAND SQUEAKER!" I thought that was kinda dumb at first, but after a few minutes of saying it, I began liking it The Switzerland Squeaker it was.

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I've been trying to do them lately, whilst wearing shorts and having a front brake clamp bolt with a washer, bascially a sticking out thin sharp circular thing, caught my knee and it was nice and deep, about 2-3mm and stuff, bled halfway down my shin.

Yeah, i think it's best to keep endoing and finding the balance on the front wheel first, and hopping on the front wheel.

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For me it depends how I do them, I can go for however long I want to really if I just continually do small scuffs on the front wheel with my foot. However if I pause in between scuffs (stop/starting) and do harder scuffs to get more roll then it is much more difficult.

Its just practice and learning your balance point, the same way as manuels.

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