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Ford Escort Wing Mirror Broken Off


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Hi y'all, Well I reversed my bro's car into my hedge, breaking off the right-hand wing mirror, the thing is it doesn't want to go back on. You put everything in place, and it slots in nicely to the little hinge type things, but there is about a centimetre gap from being totally in, and it doesn't click into place. There is a piece of metal in there shaped kinda like the drawing**, where the bits that poke out of the top and the bottom (in the side of the car) pop into two holes in the wing mirror, and they're just not popping in, even with a lot of brute force, it's not wanting to go into place. It's very hard to explain, I may have to take a picture later, and I would understand if no one new what I was going on about, but does anyone have any ideas at all as to how to make it click into place? Cheers.

**Edit : Drawing is not being presented how I did it in the message, so I have taken it out

Edited by trials pie
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