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How Do European Riders Shop?


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I'm starting an online business for bike trials and a part of it is going to be a buy/sell system. The plan is to roll it out in the US but I'm curious if European riders could benefit from the system as well. What I'd like to know is if Euro riders buy mostly online or if they have trials equipment at local bike shops that you can buy from? Or what is the percentage you buy from each? I know in the US there are not any trials specific parts in any local bikes shops (at least where I live). If international riders could benefit from the system, obviously I'd like to roll it out with with them in mind as well. So if you live anywhere outside the US (Europe more specifically just because they have a larger rider population), I'd much appreciate any input as to how you shop...where you buy from, how often, how much you spend, etc? Or if anyone knows of any source of market/industry information that would be very helpful as well. Thanks in advance!

PS...If you are a rider who has access to such information and would be interested in becoming a member of my board of advisers please PM me.

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I don't think there's any trials specific shops that arn't online. Becuase trials isn't popular enough to have a trials shop - anywhere in the world.

Here, most of the things are bought online.

I would have thought some shops would sell budget full build bikes, but very little would stock parts, and if they did it wouldn't be in any large numbers or value.

Edited by JT!
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Sweet...thanks a lot for the responses, just what I needed to know. JT! you mentioned trials is not big enough there either...Have you been to any competitions or rides? How many people typically turn out?

It varies a lot. On your average day in an average kinda place you'll often get 4/5 people or so (roughly), but then some of the larger group rides organised on here can get up to and above around 50 riders.

As for comps, I'm not too sure as I've only been to one myself, though there was a good selection of riders there, 30 or so maybe?

Can't speak for the bigger series' though...

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tartybikes...maybe mjcycles if im feeling generous

Basically its cheap + quick. Ordering from the US would take about a week (maybe 2) AND we'd have to pay for shipping costs etc. No doubt itd cost you lots to ship stuff to us in the uk/europe

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