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How Do Some Of You People Manage To Juggle Your Lives About?


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recently ive been feeling the strains of juggling a million aspects of my life in one week and its getting a bit f**king difficult,

i work 3 days a week

i need to see my gf who lives a train journey away

i need to ride

i need to see my mates who live around here

and in september im going to college, im going to cry there isnt enough days in the week, how do all you people who work 5days a week manage?

i no one of you c**ts will say, HA dave thats not hard, you making it sound hard blah blah, thats why im asking this question.

Edited by Davetrials
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recently ive been feeling the strains of juggling a million aspects of my life in one week and its getting a bit f**king difficult,

i work 3 days a week

i need to see my gf who lives a train journey away

i need to ride

i need to see my mates who live around here

and in september im going to college, im going to cry there isnt enough days in the week, how do all you people who work 5days a week manage?

you get good at multi tasking, and good at letting people down without pissing them off, phone is a major help too, today ive spent about an hour on the phone to various people, while talking to others on the net, just cos i been to busy for the pub, you rush round like a mad man, chat to people in the pub, move onto the next person, next person, out the pub, on the ph,

one to someone else, while your on the way to going to see the half missus.

then of course theres the fact i aint rode in about 4 months, which explains a lot of it.and my camera dont get that much use, neither does my motorbike, and i barely polish me car once a month atm

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i wish i was a loner id have alllllll the time in the world. i cant afford to make new friends at college they just wont fit in my scheduel(SP?)

I am pretty much a loner at the moment, I can't find work and no-one else has finished school yet. I'd rather be busy to be honest, I just spend all day looking for jobs and practicing on my own.

I have managed to get in for college in September though.

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Just be gald your GF dosn't live 3 plane journeys away. That's a tad inconvienient.

What times do you work? I find it's better to work more hours over less days, than less hours over more days if you get me?

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I work 4 days a week, 11-8.30 or 7-4.30 so generally when i'm on an early I do stuff in the evening (see mates/ride) and when im on a late i just chat to them on msn/phone. Then on my 3 days off I do other stuff. You just gotta learn to make the most of your evenings really, yesterday I woke up at 6.30, rode to work for 7, rode home from work at 4.30, chilled for an hour, rode to meet my mate, drove into town with my bike, rode from 6-10 then rode home, then came home, chatted on msn, then rang my friend Lily for an hour and a half at 11.45 in bed, then txt her til about 1.30 then went to sleep, then I was up at 6.30 for work this morning.

You just have to be good at long days. Lucozade has helped me the last two days :)

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I work 5 days a week, monday to friday, 7:30 till 4:30, after that, i go home and sleep till about 6ish, then go to see friends, or go to the pub... if i have a date on the night, il go on the date and not see friends... and i chill with paretns quite often...

i have drivin lessons at 10 till 12pm every sat... I then go to the pub on saturday's at lunch came home, then go to a mates later

I then go riding on sundays then go to pub :P

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Dave i work 5 days a week, uptil april i was going out with a girl from glasgow, so i had to juggle work riding and going up and seeing her as often as possible, that was hard, thats why we split. so now its just working 5 days a week and riding, my new gf comes round mine most the time so i aint gotta worry bout that, but in sept i too am going to college on a 2 yr course, so im gonna have to juggle that with a part time job and riding.

It'll be worth it in the end, cos once ive finished my course im gonna move to glasgow and get back together with my ex and go to uni in glasgow or get a job up there. sorted!

Work your ass off now and it'll pay off later (Y)

Edited by 223_leeson
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Dave i work 5 days a week, uptil april i was going out with a girl from glasgow, so i had to juggle work riding and going up and seeing her as often as possible, that was hard, thats why we split. so now its just working 5 days a week and riding, my new gf comes round mine most the time so i aint gotta worry bout that, but in sept i too am going to college on a 2 yr course, so im gonna have to juggle that with a part time job and riding.

It'll be worth it in the end, cos once ive finished my course im gonna move to glasgow and get back together with my ex and go to uni in glasgow or get a job up there. sorted!

Work your ass off now and it'll pay off later (Y)

LMFAO! your current g/f is cool with that ye? HAHA

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I work 5 days a week (8-5 or 11-8), have a girlfriend in Plymouth (other end of the country), riding to do, friends to see, cider to drink, family to keep happy etc.

So i guess I'm a normal working man.

Just gotta prioritise, compromise and.... er... energise :ermm:

I'm used to going on a 'fast pace' though anyways, living and working in London means you get mown down if you walk slow or whatever.

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I work 4 days a week, 11-8.30 or 7-4.30 so generally when i'm on an early I do stuff in the evening (see mates/ride) and when im on a late i just chat to them on msn/phone. Then on my 3 days off I do other stuff. You just gotta learn to make the most of your evenings really, yesterday I woke up at 6.30, rode to work for 7, rode home from work at 4.30, chilled for an hour, rode to meet my mate, drove into town with my bike, rode from 6-10 then rode home, then came home, chatted on msn, then rang my friend Lily for an hour and a half at 11.45 in bed, then txt her til about 1.30 then went to sleep, then I was up at 6.30 for work this morning.

You just have to be good at long days. Lucozade has helped me the last two days :)

So you left your car there?! :P

Alocate youself time to do certain things and prioritise things.

Also maybe try going to bed earlier so you wake up earlier so have more of the day and feel less tired which makes things seem like more effort?!

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So you left your car there?! :P

Alocate youself time to do certain things and prioritise things.

Also maybe try going to bed earlier so you wake up earlier so have more of the day and feel less tired which makes things seem like more effort?!

No cos I rode to meet my mate, cos he drives.

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Dave i work 5 days a week, uptil april i was going out with a girl from glasgow, so i had to juggle work riding and going up and seeing her as often as possible, that was hard, thats why we split. so now its just working 5 days a week and riding, my new gf comes round mine most the time so i aint gotta worry bout that, but in sept i too am going to college on a 2 yr course, so im gonna have to juggle that with a part time job and riding.

It'll be worth it in the end, cos once ive finished my course im gonna move to glasgow and get back together with my ex and go to uni in glasgow or get a job up there. sorted!

Work your ass off now and it'll pay off later (Y)

wtf. sian not care about your plan?

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dude its damn hard. try this for size.

I work 5 days a week, and 1 in 3 saturdays

ride demos for MAD most weekends

Kayak Club sunday eves

then add onto that seeing the Mrs, Friends, riding, and all the other things we do and it doesnt work.

Fortunatly ive just moved in with the Mrs, so I get to see her all the time, and also live with a couple friends.

But I have loads of friends calling me and shit to see when I can go hang because I havent in soo long, then lets not even get started on riding.

Last night was the 1st time i have riden trials that isnt a demo for months, and I have lost soo much. just need to try and pick it up again.

What I have found is while trying to find time to do everything, try and find some time to do nothing. take a night off, alone if you like and just chill.

watch films, eat shit, play games. Helps me so much when I can as I get to gather thoughts and all that bolloks and find time to arrange all the activities that need doing. I would also avoid organising things per day like a timetable, it will feel to mush like work to do anything, like being back at school.

Its just a case of taking things as they come, your friends will still be there if you remain as you, if your Mrs cares she will allow you space.

Try and prioritse yourself to get the most important things to you done, and as much as it may pain you (did for me) trials will have to take a back seat until you have the time to get out (for me is about once every 2 months)

hope it works out, and you got me on MSN if you need me (lord knows why you would)

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I gave up biking to fit in my Schedule.

I do a bit of weekend stunting & weekday commuting, but that's it.

Most of the time, the weekend will be a Sunday afternoon ride for a couple of hours, then back home. Tis a shame really, I enjoyed doing the biking.

I just can't fit 5 - 6 Hours of music practise in on top of 3 - 4 hours of biking, and then go and see people etc etc

But that's me, some people can multi-task :P

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I haven't read most of the thread but here's my tuppence:

Just work on the principle that time is really precious, so don't waste any. There is time to do all those things if you don't spend time on stuff you don't need, or really want when you think about it.

How much TV do you watch?

How long do you lie in bed after you've woken up and aren't actually getting any more sleep?

Do you work out what you're going to do in a day and make sure it's what you want to be doing?

Just some thoughts. Probably sounds a bit hard core like your mind won't get a rest but it will really. Think about when you're going to give yourself a rest too.

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How do I juggle my life about, well I can juggle.

No seriously, I go to school, work 3 days a week after school, want to ride, want to go out with mates, want to meet up with a girl every now and again, and not forgetting the odd family event or party every now and again.

Sometimes I have to make a sacrifice or compromise, such as not riding so I can meet up with a girl, or riding late after work.

If I want to keep my life in balance I need to do each thing I want to do equally and sometimes have to give up something that I want to do.

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Im wondering how people do this too, i work 6 days a week, 8am to 5pm.

I get home at half 5, knackered, and have to sit down for a bit. Then i plan on going out, but everyones busy, so i cant see my mates until the weekend, but i get a half day on saturday, so i would go home, get ready, go out (if people want to come out), then im knackered on my one day off, and nothings open. So im at home again, and thats without even thinking about girls.

Im contsantly getting messages like "where are you, how are you, i havent seen you for ages!" etc, but who really wants to go out at 6 o clock on a weeknight, where not a lot will be open. Worst bit is i cant even enjoy my money and spend it because im saving for too much.

By the time college starts, i wont be half as close as i was to people, but then again i will have whole weekends again. Problem is then i have the trouble of Juggling a part time job, old friends, college friends and possibly a girlfriend, let alone trials if i can be bothered/have time for it.

Atm, MSN red bull and sleep are the three things keeping me going.

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