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Ben Leacock Vid One


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Hey people just got aload of old footage from when i just started riding so i thort since i havent made a vid i will make a little teaser, then get some more up to date footage and put that on a new vid that im making :)

This footage is about a month old, so i have been riding for about 3months now this is about 2 months into riding :)

comments will be welcome :)

I used windows movie maker to make this which isnt ideal but i have recently upgraded to movieplus 5 :)

thanks lot :)


Linky :) vid one :)

Edited by benleacock
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Thankyou To Danny For Lendin You Movie Plus :P


good video ben your riding has come on alot since you have been riding, and you have only been riding 3 mounths :S you dont really have anyone to ride with most of the time apart from me and your brother and a few people from kendal but you normally ride on your own witch is really good, so ye... the video dosent do you any favors at all mate you have got even better :P

keep it it ben

danny x

Edited by Danny Swindlehurst
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pretty good considering you have only ridden your bike a hand full of times. possibly get to kendal and get dan to film you on some different stuff so it is better quality. everyone has to start somewhere :)


ii thats what we were gona do last night but we got sidetracked by some lass's lol

ye there mobile phone filming in there as well :(

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Not bad mate for amount of time riding.

Plus riding with danny swin. will bring you on loads.

What I can say though is that the bike looks a bit too short, ie as if its holding you back somewhat. (Hard to explain)

Try a longer frame and you might find moves easier.

Keep at it


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Not bad mate for amount of time riding.

Plus riding with danny swin. will bring you on loads.

What I can say though is that the bike looks a bit too short, ie as if its holding you back somewhat. (Hard to explain)

Try a longer frame and you might find moves easier.

Keep at it


Yer danny helps alot :) but also makes you feel sh*te when he sidehops 50'' :(lol

ye the bike is way to short lol :) im 6ft 5 now only 14 and im getting a stock very very soon :)

but im getting a zoo python long frame for mi mod and upgrading the rest :)

cheers for the comment :)

fair play, nice stuff considering you havent ridden that long. Are you sponsered by magura and hayes?

Sponsored by magura and hayes for xc :) not trials :P

cheers keep the comments coming :)


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