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Leaving School And Moving On.


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Left now. I didn't want leave really. School did actually have it's good points. But moving on.

Mines already sorted. Im doing a 1 day a week plumbing course at college which pays out £30 a week. Then the other 4 days ill be working with a plumber and he will pay me anything between £70-£100.

After my year at college is finished. Im then qualified and should be earning anything up to £500 a week :D.

So yeah im all sorted.

Good luck to everyone else.


With some rough maths that £24K p/a. as the most you'd earn in your life (unles you went with a different path)

I'm looking to start on that kinda money.

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With some rough maths that £24K p/a. as the most you'd earn in your life (unles you went with a different path)

I'm looking to start on that kinda money.

you bad ass

im doin computer building and photogaphy.

i really didnt know what to chose, so yer..

leaving school has sucked a bit, my mum dont get no money for me now becuase im over 16 and wer pretty stuffed for money at all now..

i work, but its only a weekend thing..

might try get another job while im of school..

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when the weathers bad i feel like i have nothing to do now, seems kinda stupid as i never thought itd happen!

But if the weatheers good i love to go out riding with different people on different bikes aswel. But its my bday tuesday and im gunna get xbox 360 so il be sorted no matter what the weather is like!

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iv just started my aprentiship as a electrition about 2 weeks ago, really liking it already, cant wiat till i start collage aswell, :D

im on £100 a week at the moment, but when i get qualified i should be on like £400-500 a week :D


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