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not sure if this is something that anyone else experiences or if im just being a silly old fart but if someone can help that wud be really ACE! thx in advance..

K, got a karbon with vee on rear, feels awesome never slips etc (XTR levers, linearslick cables, ultimate arms, coust/sink pads and adaptor with salsa booster), but i keep on pullin on the lever quite hard on big gaps etc and finding its hittin my middlefinger knuckle and shreddin it up something silly. Its all f**ked up now (been ongoing problem for few months) to the point i dont wanna ride cuz il hit it again.

Iv tried moving the lever further along the bar (closer to stem) so that it cant reach the middle knuckle but it just ends up feeling shit cuz my brake fingers pullin on the very end of the lever. Tried moving lever up and down no difference, and finally tried setting it so the lever only moves the smallest amount before lockin up but this gives me 2 problems - catching the brake lever wen pullin up on bars and f**king sore wrists after about 20mins riding!!!

dunno if iv explained it right but yeah i really like the vees and the cables everything etc is all new and works mint! Its just the arms flex enough that the lever is hittin my knuckles and killin em... No im not considering gloves, its too hot in oz for em and i hate the feel of em.

AM curious though.. its been soo long since iv used maguras :S (yes iv posted that i was considering them before... :$)

Woudl the lever flex less cuz theres no flex liek there is in the arms of the vees?? If so im seriously going to have to consider that option unless some1 can help me out with ideas ??

im thinkin that 4bolt booster and the superstiff rear end with maguras would stop the problem, but im not sure as i dont remember if mags flex at all??


thanks fellas..

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I had this problem and found by moving the lever in slightly not to much and also pulling the cable through slightly more so theres less leverage. Just get the right balance of everything you have tryed and you should solve the problem. Also set the brake up with out using the screw out bit on the lever as that will give some spongeness to the brake.

i had this problem with a maggie so dont think by going back you will solve it, i have a vee now and dont have the problem so just try setting it up agen changeing things slightly till its right.

Edited by andy h
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I prefer having my finger right on the end of the lever, you get more power out of it because of more leverage.

Also you could try setting the stops further out? I had to file them down on my maggy because the lever is so close to the bar.

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I had this problem with magura's when I started again, tearing my thumb apart on every ride. Changed the lever blade and it was no longer an issue.... try a differant lever? while there may not be any obvious burr or sharp edge on it, it might still be the cause..

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dunno if iv explained it right but yeah i really like the vees and the cables everything etc is all new and works mint! Its just the arms flex enough that the lever is hittin my knuckles and killin em... No im not considering gloves, its too hot in oz for em and i hate the feel of em.

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I had this problem and found by moving the lever in slightly not to much and also pulling the cable through slightly more so theres less leverage. Just get the right balance of everything you have tryed and you should solve the problem. Also set the brake up with out using the screw out bit on the lever as that will give some spongeness to the brake.

i had this problem with a maggie so dont think by going back you will solve it, i have a vee now and dont have the problem so just try setting it up agen changeing things slightly till its right.

Thanks ... thats exactly what i wanted to know (Y)

stickin with vees is my preference, will continue to play around with getting everythign dialed.

It all feels and works very well, just the knuckle hitting is the only downside. So thanks everyone for posting. Will continue trying different angles etc...

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Well you've tried everything I was going to suggest apart from the reach adjustment on the lever. I was having the same problem and I found that not having to stretch so far for the lever in the first place meant the lever could be in a slightly different place.

Takes a bit of fiddling to get right but try and lever blade sat under your second knuckle - usually means adjusting the reach adjustment a bit. I found it worked for me.

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true! yes il have to experiment with that too... thanks!

Its funny that wen i had my ET (no adaptors or booster) I never had any movement in the lever, It wud hit the rim and stop dead, so hitting my knuckles never ever happend!

Now with a stiffer frame but having to use adaptors for vees im dealing with all this hassle over flex...

I could be wrong but my thought is that the adaptors mean the calipers sit out too far from the frame, so the stifness of the frame is not as effective cuz the brake is further away (not inline with the frame like maggies wud be) and thus i now have to use boosters etc whihc i didnt need onthe ET and yet the ET felt better :o

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Wouldn't having the lever blade further from the handlebar in the first place help you or just having to squeeze it less to have the brake lock work ? I used to have that problem, but I just screwed the barrel adjuster on the lever a few twists outwards and voilà, problem solved. I also think the XTR levers have a reach adjustment, so you can probably get the lever blade further from the handlebar without having the brake arms closer to each other. Or you could give some higher-end avid lever with the leverage adjustment but I find their lever blade is not friendly with the braking finger (I get a massive gash in two days of riding) but I seem to be one of the few with that problem, nor did I find the leverage adjustment thingy very useful as I always had it at the max.

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wrap some thing around the lever like foam or bubble wrap ?



POP every time you brake,

Nah, like someone said, its all about were you hold the bar in relation the the lever, like if you like to hold the bar well near the stem at the end of the grip, then move the lever back, but vice verser the other way.

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POP every time you brake,

Nah, like someone said, its all about were you hold the bar in relation the the lever, like if you like to hold the bar well near the stem at the end of the grip, then move the lever back, but vice verser the other way.

That would scare the sh*t outta me if i heard a pop evry time i braked lol


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Its funny that wen i had my ET (no adaptors or booster) I never had any movement in the lever, It wud hit the rim and stop dead, so hitting my knuckles never ever happend!

Now with a stiffer frame but having to use adaptors for vees im dealing with all this hassle over flex...

I could be wrong but my thought is that the adaptors mean the calipers sit out too far from the frame, so the stifness of the frame is not as effective cuz the brake is further away (not inline with the frame like maggies wud be) and thus i now have to use boosters etc whihc i didnt need onthe ET and yet the ET felt better :o

Yeah thats true if you think about it because of it sitting further away from frame there is more leverage so therefore more flex.

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yeah i have the same probelm when i'm pissing about on my rockhopper and trying to pull off trials stuff on it!! and cane my knuckles. but i'm fine with maggies, i think the probelm is the angle of the lever. i have the maggies set up so they alot lower angled than the rock hopper. pointing almost strsight down towards the ground

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My Maggies (New lever type) tore up my knuckles no end. Then I swapped out the lever blades for a Deng pair & moved them round a wee bit. That sorted it right out.

Then that rear brake went pop so I swapped in my old Maggie & put a Hope disc on the front. The Old style lever doesn't chew knuckles at all & feels alot more solid than the newer lever. Probably because it's not on the verge of bursting..

Anyway the Hope started doing in my right hand Middle finger & I found that rotating the bar slightly put my hand in a more comfortable position so my middle finger doesn't get as close to the lever blade & it seems to be doing the trick so far.

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are you using the right finger for braking ? if your using your middle finger ( swearing finger ) for braking it will hit the lever everytime thats why i use the stem side finger with a 10 mm gap between my grips . i think your worrying to much about the flex of your frame becuase i have a echo pure with no booster and no cnc and juast heatsink adaptors and its solid . i hope ive helped and i hope that no one slates me for missing something in a previous post . :lol:

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