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Ride Today At Local Park...


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Was there any need danny?? Yer having an opinion is one thing but crossing the line, and giving abuse is another.

Thats rich coming from you Joe. I mean come on. Your not the most helpful of people on this forum.

I was just giving my view thats all.

All of you that are saying that Danny Butler is a valuable asset to the UK Trials scene. Then god forbid. If you heard some of the things he said the other night whilst out riding. It was unbelievable:

Words of Danny Butler:

Because we were discussing Damons New vid, he proceeds to say "Damon ? Damon who ?I'd wipe the foor with Damon".

This one was the best though, he actually expected me to believe that he taught the UK how to tap.

The other one was, he said Ali C needs to stop spinning around all the time and learn how to ride and bike and the same goes for Danny Macskill.

So there you have it. You think somebody as cocky and arrogant is that is special to your UK trials scene. Well you can have it but he make some laugh alot.

This is why i don't ride comps because there's people like him about.

Im sick of this anyway. All i was saying is your bike and style is like Danny's.

Peace out.

Danny x

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Mods can some one delete this thread please, it's been wrecked by a muppet who just wants to take the piss, cause arguments and sh*t stirr. If you could delete it that would be great. thanks-Hugh

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