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Leeson Bottom Brakcet


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Basically i need a bb for my leeson, but don't have access to a lathe so cant turn the lip off of a standard un72 or the likes to get it to fit?

what are my options?

Don't want to rely on Clive as hes done me more than enough favors, are there any bottom brackets on the market with two removable cups?

if anyone has one pm me ;)

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I think he machines more than just a lip off the bb as far as i can remember.

I had a race face evolve dh put into my leeson frame and im pretty sure he turned down the cups aswell , getiting ride of the threads.

Think he also packed out the cups with a few spacers aswell (on the ends) .

You dont need to rely on Clive , just ask him what You need to do(dimensions wise) and get a local engineering company to do it.

In fact if you are brave enough to get the old bb out your frame is should be obvious what to do.

Hope that helps?

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yeah, i got the frame second hand and didnt have a bb in so have nothing compare to, didn't really fancy on going to a n engineering gaff round my end as there all con merchants.

there is a cup already in the bb so was thinking if i just got a bb with detachable cups i could bosh one in , i don't really remember the spacers/circlips doing that much but i guess they were to keep the cup in place

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cheers for the help lads, id ask clive but ive always bought leesons second hand just to build up for fun and messing around on, so i dont think its that fair to ask him for one, ive emailed but ive heard about his reply timescales lol, i might have to give him a ring and see if i could buy one or something,

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cheers for the help lads, id ask clive but ive always bought leesons second hand just to build up for fun and messing around on, so i dont think its that fair to ask him for one, ive emailed but ive heard about his reply timescales lol, i might have to give him a ring and see if i could buy one or something,

I have a fsa bb with 2 loose cups problem is that the driveside cups interface for the bb is dead and doesnt really exist, not sure if you can huy the cups if your interested in it pm us.

Edited by andy h
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