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Hey, got my nintendo wii yesterday. Loves it, although my arms feel well heavy today :lol:

Quick question, if there a way of accessing the internet on my wii when I use a wired internet connection (standard ntl/virgin line).

Oh yeah i've got:


Wii Sports

Wii Play

4x Remote

2x Nunchuck

SSX Blur

Mario Soccer (when it arrives in my local gamestation).

List what you've got/recommend and help me!

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Don't get Zelda...enough said. Although if you DO want Zelda, I strongly suggest scrapping the Wii, buying a SNES and getting the OLD zelda...such an amazing game...and now my opinion of it has been ruined :P

Not sure about the internet thing though, never use it.

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or just keep the wii and download the old zelda games off the virtual console...

you can download the opera browser through wii connect 24 and access the internet on it that way but theres not much point really.

excite truck, mario strikers, and resi evil are good games to get.

send me your friend code when you get mario strikers and ill play you :D

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Ok just found out that i need a nintendo wi-fi usb connector to plug into my current computer.

Costs like £40 max (Y)

And yeah I cant wait for Mario Strikers, i'll let you know when I do get it online.

Should set you back £29.99 RRP for the official one, you may be able to pick up Datel Wi-Fi Max from Play.com as thats what I use and I've had no problems with my DS, PSP or Wii.

Alternatively you can also pick up the Datel USB LAN adapter which gives you the option to stick a standard ethernet cable in the back and go online that way.


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Ive got:

2 Controllers and Nun Chucks,

Zelda, Supermonkey ball, Tonyhawns downhill jam, Need for Speed whatever it is... Wii sports and Wii play.

Best console I've brought in ages.

Anyone else noticed, on the side of the controller it says Poo. hahaha.

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Ok just found out that i need a nintendo wii-fi usb connector to plug into my current computer.

Costs like £40 max (Y)

And yeah I cant wait for Mario Strikers, i'll let you know when I do get it online.

:$ I found it funny.....

.... I'm going bed again, clearly still p***** :unsure:

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I've got Wii bought it off a lad on here.... Ive got

Two Remotes

Two Nunchucks

Wii Play

Wii Sports

And Red Steel

I'm after some new games.

I just bought an LAN adaptor from Amazon for £18.48 HERE! you just connect the included crossover cable to a spare port on your router and the other end to the USB Adaptor on the Wii... I works really well!

If you do manage to connect to the internet add me! :D My Friend ID: 4595 8541 9626 4519

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you are such a cock, this topic was completely made to brag. Who cares if you have a Wii or not. I dont like playing a game that I have to get worn out while playing. Give me controller, Not one shaped like a sausage, banana, remote or any shit like that. I want a normal standard controller.

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Shut up you illiterate fanny, I have no idea what im doing so I came on here to ask for advice.

Plus the fact that we can post our gamer tags here (when we get them :lol:) so we can play each other gives us a cahnce to play each other

why put the games you've got then. cock.

Edited by charlie >est<
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you are such a cock, this topic was completely made to brag. Who cares if you have a Wii or not. I dont like playing a game that I have to get worn out while playing. Give me controller, Not one shaped like a sausage, banana, remote or any shit like that. I want a normal standard controller.

You really don't get it do you? You just don't understand what is appropriate to say and what isn't. Until you learn, it would be wise not to post any inflammatory remarks like this little outburst.

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Everyone does it to me. Including this guy. so who cares?

Unfortunately for you, the moderators on this forum care.

What I mean (and you're still not getting it) is that you don't really understand when it's appropriate to say things. There's a difference between bragging about the fact that you have 8 computers (unusual, especially for a 14 year old) and saying what games you own (it's not unusual for people our age to own several).

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I broke my sisters wii today. I still haven't told her cause were going on holiday tommorow so it's likely she won't notice till we come back in three weeks and i can blame it on my brother then. When i say broke the wii i'm not sure weather its the wii or the controller.

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you are such a cock, this topic was completely made to brag. Who cares if you have a Wii or not. I dont like playing a game that I have to get worn out while playing. Give me controller, Not one shaped like a sausage, banana, remote or any shit like that. I want a normal standard controller.

I have a gaming pc, wii, xbox, xbox360, sega 1 and 2, game boy colour, advance, nintendo gamecube, ds, ds lite, N64, ps2, psone(square jobby), nintendo snes and more

Oh sorry, thats bragging according to you, tosser.

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Got a quick question for you Wiiers... I've never tried one and think playing one looks a bit odd from the ads I've seen. However, how does the control system actually work and is it as versatile as using a joypad? As an example, I've seen clips of a tennis game- I can understand the wierd controller thing working for actually hitting the ball and deciding on what shot's required but how do you move around the court itself? I have this strange idea that the games have to be partially automated (player automatically moves to where the balls heading so you can hit it) to allow you to do what's required with the controller thing when necessary... please explain!!


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Got a quick question for you Wiiers... I've never tried one and think playing one looks a bit odd from the ads I've seen. However, how does the control system actually work and is it as versatile as using a joypad? As an example, I've seen clips of a tennis game- I can understand the wierd controller thing working for actually hitting the ball and deciding on what shot's required but how do you move around the court itself? I have this strange idea that the games have to be partially automated (player automatically moves to where the balls heading so you can hit it) to allow you to do what's required with the controller thing when necessary... please explain!!


i had a quick go on my cousins wii the other day, and the tennis game is very automated. you only control the swing, and if you like swing the controller twice fast, the player jumps to hit the ball.

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i had a quick go on my cousins wii the other day, and the tennis game is very automated. you only control the swing, and if you like swing the controller twice fast, the player jumps to hit the ball.

See, now that's what I thought and sounds utter crap... the whole point of video games is to give you control over what's happening and from what I've seen (as said before I've never played one) the Wii has to be at least partially removed that control... It's the same with a lot of games I can think of. Taking a classic example, I don't think Street Fighter 2 (or any other fighting game) could ever work with the Wii because all you can do is punch and block, the control of the character movement, jumping, special moves etc would have to be compromised by the 'novelty' control system the Wii uses.


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