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Brake Boosters Made In The Uk

Ross McArthur

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Can only think of Heatsink and Tensile - though I could SWEAR I've seen an Onza booster kicking about somewhere :ermm:

Also - just because everyone has it - I wouldn't class "Wanting to be different" as a good enough reason to warrant not using some of the better parts. Admittedly - non-Deng parts can be better, but price-considerate, and comparitively, Deng parts hold out pretty damn well. Why do you think everyone gets them?

The logic behind making a point of trying NOT to use what's good - simply put - baffles me. :-

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hey in wondering what kind of 4 bolt brake booster to get thats made in the uk, any ideas any one?

btw im trying to keep my bike Deng free, thanks.

Just asking but why deng free? and why one thats only made in the uk?

Edited by Deonn h
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btw im trying to keep my bike Deng free, thanks.


74Kingz - German, and I'm pretty sure it's also made in Germany. Or Heatsink?

I'm also trying to keep my bike deng-free, just need to get rid of a frame and stem :P

edit: Onza is made in china

Edited by Inur
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hey in wondering what kind of 4 bolt brake booster to get thats made in the uk, any ideas any one?

btw im trying to keep my bike Deng free, thanks.

well arnt you the little protester, i hope to god uve got a good reason cos ill turn this thread in to an argument in ONE post if not.

infact no

u have no good reasons

deng boosters are gonna be of the EXACT if not the better quaility than anything else ull find out?

im gonna go shit my pants.

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i would rather see uk based companies thrive by buying my parts from them instead of using young or old over seas workers who are being exploited. thanks for the replies.

A UK company thrives when you buy deng bits... Tartybikes

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