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Slowly Learning


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i havent realy been on the two wheeler that long its about 3 weeks now since i started properly.

but tell me how you think i can improve these please i keep on messin them up.

all comments welcome so please help me.

cheers alot


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Ever thought about sidehopping the other way? You look (and i don't mean to offend you) uncomfortable for some reason. I sidehop the same way as you, but i ride with my left foot forward. I get my front wheel up first, and kind of endo the rest of the way. It dons't look as good, but seems more practicle.

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oh my god, I cant believe there was no credit for the camera man (cough cough). Well me and chris are going up to them pallets at 10, so why not come up and give it another go, front wheel higher sidehop that u couldnt nail.

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You look abit stiff when your doing the sidehop. So try loosening your legs up and and allow them to come up into your body when you do the sidehop. Also your nearlygoing to back wheel you not really going to 2 wheels so maybe try sidehoping more to 2 wheels or slighly to front wheel by just having your weight more over the front end slightly. Also watching videos of others doing sidehops will help you to visulise the techinique. But you have the general idea all there so your doing pritty well.

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do what cls told me to do. Go to a bigish size nothing that is going to absolute push you just something that is hardish i.e i learnt on 43 i think. then just do it over and over so you get up it everytime then after that practice techniqe till its pukka then after that do the same just on bigger walls

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