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Show Your Googlewhacks!


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Oh my god, i've not even finished watching Dave Gorman - Googlewhack, but i'm in love with it!!! It's sooooooo clever.

I just tried, half heartedly, and got a googlewhack in about 5 minutes!!!

A googlewhack is where you type in 2 words into google, and you get ONE result.

Give it a try!! i got so excited when i got it, and had to post this to release my satisfaction!!!

So, my first and oly googlewhack is.......

orgasmatronic thermodynamics

Go get some and you'll understand my excitement!!!!!


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you just broke my heart. i'm on the search once more.I'm still proud to get a single result though :P

Why is that exciting? Am I missing something here? :blink:
nah, it's not exciting at all! But if you watched Gorman, you'd try, and if you tried, you may get close, and if you get close, you'll want to get closer, then you get a single result an it's Boss!!!
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meh it's difficult.

entered "cathode sex" thinking it would have no results but it had loads.


got one:

acetylseryltyrosylserylisoleucylthreonylserylprolylserylglutaminyl detriment

check it in wiki, it's a genuine "word", it's actually much longer than that but google doesn't allow for such long phrases

Edited by Inur
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superrealistic pha

Only took an hour.

Oooo i'm the first person to find a real one, Bongo does that mean you come and meet me now?!

Edited by JT!
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