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Iolo Bikes

El Cristoff

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I think you would be quite lucky to get one as aran has got his hands full which his other business which pays the bills so i he has given iolobikes the back seat. But im sure he will reply to topic and say whether he has the time ect. As for the frames they are beast and suprisingly not that heavy i rode his yellow one a while back and it felt lighter than my control. If he can make one i say go for it. Dont know if you have been on his site but its www.iolobikes.com

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They're fillet brazed T45 steel. Fuggin tough stuff, same as curtis, alot of racing go-karts, and a shed load of aircraft parts.

Mines been awesome, the brazing has smoothed out endless amounts since his eary frames, and mine seems pretty tough, I'm yet to dent the downtube despite taking chunks out of several walls around town (Y), I somehow dented the stay and the guard that was meant to stop that! but I did smash it against a right angle coping at the skatepark, so pretty much anything would have dented. Even still, its all going strong, and rides as amazingly as ever.

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Mine is only a few months old but so far it's tough enough to take the pain. I was amazed how light it was when I got it, I may have wasted that when I put a seat on but oh well :rolleyes:

Are you after a proper seat tube or not? The only trouble I had with my frame was getting a seat post to fit! Otherwise very highly recommended.

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ps. waht are they made from, steel or ali?

haha i thought ali c was looking thinner - iolos using him to make frames :lol:

Im pretty sure if you did manage to snap one, Mr cook would re-braze it for you :)

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