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My First Day Out On My First Trials Bike


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I bought a Giant trial team 04 and couldn't wait to get out on it.

Anyways heres two videos I must admit they are unedited and boring to watch but I loved every second riding. In the second video i finally pedal kick up on to the rear wheel on the two pallets at 3:25, the other guy riding is my friend Adam on a Onza Zoot, and if any one wants to know the point of this topic is just basically to show where i am now with my riding...

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Nice riding there buddy. And even nicer bike. As has been said, it will be awesome to see your improvements. It took me a while to get everything sorted on my Giant, but when I nailed, i was so happy. You look as if you are getting on well with that beast of a bike! They are the best old school frames around in MY opinion. Seems as Mr Hawyes designed them!.

Anyway dude keep up the good work. Will look forward to seeing more videos from you in the near future.

EDIT - :helmet: in the next vids though (Y)

Edited by bowman12
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Nice riding there buddy. And even nicer bike. As has been said, it will be awesome to see your improvements. It took me a while to get everything sorted on my Giant, but when I nailed, i was so happy. You look as if you are getting on well with that beast of a bike! They are the best old school frames around in MY opinion. Seems as Mr Hawyes designed them!.

Anyway dude keep up the good work. Will look forward to seeing more videos from you in the near future.

EDIT - :helmet: in the next vids though (Y)

we need to get helmets actually (me, trix and adamc24 ride together in case you didn't know, we're n00bs), i should probably be in the next video as well with my woodstock

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Oh cool. Who's the guy who is wanting the Giant and may be getting mine? It's the more legendary yellow Giant.

Definatly get helmets. I'm not going write a list of how many times my trusty nogginator saved my head! I'd say they are the 2nd most essential thing to have when riding trials. After the bike of course!

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Rock on! You seem to be doing pretty well for your first day out on it, nice one (Y) Keep at it and you will see the improvements. I love the feeling when you sidehop one pallet higher, or backwheel so many inches higher etc. Practice makes perfect.

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Oh cool. Who's the guy who is wanting the Giant and may be getting mine? It's the more legendary yellow Giant.

Defiantly get helmets. I'm not going write a list of how many times my trusty nogginator saved my head! I'd say they are the 2nd most essential thing to have when riding trials. After the bike of course!

The one who keeps saying alright mate in the first video.

Yeah we all have to get helmets, and thanks for your comments guys.

I've finally got my hands on a camera which I can edit the footage with so next one will be more watchable (Y)

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