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Your Achilles Heels


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Well mine is not so much of a weakness but a personal preference. I try to steer away from straight big taps and sidehops into tech moves. So for instance, a 360 Degrees static spin into a sidehop, down to a pedal stall, then 180 off. Trying to find my own style and way of riding. Also as im getting older, im more wearious about injurying myself, so I tend to tone down the big stuff


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hooks and front to backs on thin things like rails, i can get vert hooks with an uphill runup fair easy but on flat it takes me a while to get them, and i cant get i right when i try to front to back on rails, i think its because i go streight forward instead of at an angle :(

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I've been riding over 3 years and i can't sidehop over 2ft. I hate sidehopping.

Sidehops aswell, I just can't get it right. I can't swing to the left, aswell as kick, and jump up, So I doubt I coud even do 2 foot JT, haha. Whenever i try, i never let og of the brake and just end up leaping to the side and onto the front wheel. Lol.

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