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Connection Problems...


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After a few powercuts last night, the router etc got turned on/off a few times. Once it was all on for the last time, it was all fine.

Tried to connect to the internet on my PC again today, and it won't connect..?

I'm on my sister's laptop now, and obviously it has connected, same network and everything.

I've got the router connected to the PC via an ethernet cable. - Tried to get to the router settings ( but it's just saying the adress has been incorrectly typed etc? - Works fine on my sisters laptop..

I've had a look at the settings, and it all looks fine to me.

Thing is, it's saying it's connected on my PC, but I can't get onto any websites or MSN etc? I've ran the troubleshooting thing on MSN, and tried to repair it that way (usually works) but it can't sort it. - Saying this:

Failed to connect to the service. This could be due to inproper proxy or firewall settings. Please review your proxy and firewall settings. Proxy settings can be found.....blah..Firewall settings can be found...

I've only got Windows firewall on it atm, and that's not blocking it or anything, remember, it was all fine yesterday...

I haven't touched proxy settings..


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