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Hop Idol.


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I was looking through an old issue of MBUK, Jan 03, and spotted Hop Idol!

Was anyone on here in it, and if you were what were you riding at the time?

There was one guy with a rear hope disc and a front vee brake on an Orange aero, not a common set-up now.

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didn't fatmike enter twice? i remember a small bit about him telling a fib about his age the first time round :P

Me and Fatmike where in the 04 Hop Idol auditions along with Jack Meek and a guy from Bournemouth (Ian?). Mike then was in the 05 Hop Idol where he rode at the bike show. My mate Howie (Planet-x Zebdi) was in the 03 Hop Idol auditions, same one as Andrei Burton I believe.

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Me and Fatmike where in the 04 Hop Idol auditions along with Jack Meek and a guy from Bournemouth (Ian?). Mike then was in the 05 Hop Idol where he rode at the bike show. My mate Howie (Planet-x Zebdi) was in the 03 Hop Idol auditions, same one as Andrei Burton I believe.

Do you know what issue? I have every issue from 03, most of 04 and 05.

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Anyone remember the issue with them going to the isle of wight to ride??

All them boy's on pashleys and heavy tools with p-bones is what got me into trials.

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yeaa judders. keep whipping that one out at every occasion :lol:

i was in it with michael graves (won) and luke stringer on the bristol round. and someone on a cannondale who's name i always forget :( dave i think. that was the first year it ever ran in MBUK...back in 2001!

matt reeson was the eventual winner, who beat that fella from newbury called john robertson (they got his surname wrong! but it was john somebody...) at the bikeshow.

i think i was, 15 at the time?

Boon on his pimp-ass blue Pashley with IRC tyres... baller.

that bike ^^ was the nuts man. i'll try and remember the spec

pashley 26mhz frame and fork

wtb headset

hs33 silvers

hope bulb on d521 cd rear

lx on d521 front

irc kujo tyres

lx bb and lx cranks with 2 dmr bashrings

club roost 2d pedals

105 short cage rear mech

kore 50mm stem and double wall bars

cut down gripshift (STILL RUNNING ON MY BIKE TO THIS DAY!) B)

Edited by the boon
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Anyone remember the issue with them going to the isle of wight to ride??

All them boy's on pashleys and heavy tools with p-bones is what got me into trials.

The legendary Wight Max competition! The days of the urban tour, 'Ashton' Cannondales and Pashleys! I remember Luke Edwards had a blue Pashley a bit like Boon's one, and it was really nice.

Also, a very young looking Gav Bedford was in it. His bike messed up, so Hawzee leant him his Giant. Pretty sure he didn't win his heat, but he proved himself in the long run.

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The legendary Wight Max competition! The days of the urban tour, 'Ashton' Cannondales and Pashleys! I remember Luke Edwards had a blue Pashley a bit like Boon's one, and it was really nice.

Also, a very young looking Gav Bedford was in it. His bike messed up, so Hawzee leant him his Giant. Pretty sure he didn't win his heat, but he proved himself in the long run.

"gavin broke his bike, so we were ready to give him leeway. not needed." is a quote that is stuck in my head. weird. :S

seems like forever ago, i wonder if i still have my old mbuks at the rents house.

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wasnt matt barlow a winner? or did get sponsored by MAD some other way?

he was runner up in the 2005 comp at the bikeshow. but think he did enough to impress them / kept in contact so got taken on

if we're talking about isle of wight...NEIL LEMON ladies and gents. he was well good :)

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I was in the 2004 comp, it was me and Matt Barlow that got through from the heat i was in. Riding at the bike show was a good laugh.

I was on a 2002 Mad in the heat and a 2004 Base TA26 in the final, got knocked out first due to not having the balls to do loads of stuff i knew i could lol.

Still can't complain, it got me a free weekend pass for NASS :)

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I remember Timbo winning it one year, not sure which though. Riding was pretty awesome then. I entered in 2005 and rode SHIT but had a laugh, remembered not being able to ride at all as my hands were sweating so much. Shrewsbury, Andy P and Manning rode really well, Fatmike pulled a one hander to drop! Fun weekend for sure.


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I remember Timbo winning it one year, not sure which though. Riding was pretty awesome then. I entered in 2005 and rode SHIT but had a laugh, remembered not being able to ride at all as my hands were sweating so much. Shrewsbury, Andy P and Manning rode really well, Fatmike pulled a one hander to drop! Fun weekend for sure.



Thats got to be one of the best weekends for me, pretty awesome riding infront of a massive crowd. I didn't ride very well at all - so nervous! Jon will remember me throwing up in the toilets before hand!!! hahah, what a wuss.

I think the £20 to each Judge before hand worked in my favour though.

Andy P (Hop Idol winner 2005 - and still riding for MAD. YEAH I ROCK)

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