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Avid Bb7- Ideal Lever


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Ideally you want an avid ultimate but they are expensive.

I use an XTR leaver, its lovely and a lot cheaper then the avid ultimate (Y)

Okay this has been a mixed response, I think i'll go for the XTR lever! But could anyone tell me what is wrong with the SD7 Lever?

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What's the difference between the M950 and the M970 XTR levers? Apart from the latter being £5 more expensive on CRC.

As I said before, I have got the M970 xtr leaver, and by comparing that to the picture of the M950 on CRC, the only difference I can see is the blade shape.

The M950 looks to be staighter and longer than the M970.

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Dont you have to buy the XT leaver as a pair though?
Yeah, I bought a pair but funnily enough I needed a new rear brake for my XC bike (Been riding around with just a front brake for ages-scary!)
They amazing, thats what i'v got and i think they feel well nice. Plus they cheaper than xtr.
Cool, I've been using a borrowed one for a month now and am used to the shape, but it is twice the price of Avids... Anyhoo bought them now :rolleyes: Edited by WeeGee
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