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Steve Rogers Promo Video 07


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What happend to the landing at 1:53 that you didn't want us to see? :P

Good vid over all really. (Y)

Thought someone might ask...i forgot to take charged batteries in my camera but we managed to use some old duracell's with nothing left in them for about 8 clips. I was a turn on, film, turn off strategy...didnt quite work with the longer clips though, cutting out half way, missed a few lines sadly >_<

Steve x

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I enjoyed the video, loved the sqeekers off the wall and stuff, but.........

IMO When you look at all the other people who're properly sponsered ( I mean a free bikes deal not just 3% off a frame or whatever), they all seem to have a certain quality about them weather it's the size of the things they do, balance, age, balls or style, there's always something special about there riding. I just never really saw anything that was really special in that vid that would make me want to sponser you if I was in the position to sponser someone.

None the less, It was a good video and Good luck finding someone to sponser you, just hope they don't think like me!


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IMO When you look at all the other people who're properly sponsered ( I mean a free bikes deal not just 3% off a frame or whatever), they all seem to have a certain quality about them weather it's the size of the things they do, balance, age, balls or style, there's always something special about there riding. I just never really saw anything that was really special in that vid that would make me want to sponser you if I was in the position to sponser someone.


Hmn, I don't really see how you can say that Gav.

The one thing that occurs in my mind when I see Steve ride (and shown in this video), is the range of stuff he can do; crankflips, front wheel moves, spins, hooks, wheel switches, gaps, must I go on?

Steve's a trick monkey, I haven't seen many trials bikers quite like him that aspect.

I enjoyed the video quite a bit, had a nice feel to it and I thought it went well with the music, although you could have picked something a bit better and less used. =P

Hope you get yourself sponsored mate, you definately deserve it.

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Great video and fantastic riding, however I am not a fan of people who ride to get sponsored.

I have to ask do you ride because you enjoy it or do you ride to be sponsored?

I personally ride for fun and if I get sponsored, which I highly doubt, then its just a bonus.

Either way nice video, although could have done with maybe another hook to show you can do it on more than 1 obstacle.

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Great video and fantastic riding, however I am not a fan of people who ride to get sponsored.

I have to ask do you ride because you enjoy it or do you ride to be sponsored?

I personally ride for fun and if I get sponsored, which I highly doubt, then its just a bonus.

Either way nice video, although could have done with maybe another hook to show you can do it on more than 1 obstacle.

I agree.

But Steve's been riding quite a while now and doing pretty well for himself. But he's always had pretty shit bikes :P My guess, he's just after something better to ride on :)

People sponsor people for one reason, to help themselves. So if a company feels giving Steve a bike will aid them, they'll do it.

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