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Matt Arkwright


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i was really waiting for another Arkwright video. really nice. great riding.

i would like to see your video edited by you... the last one that started with the grass and hook-up was very nice done.


Edited by baladi
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riding wa VERY! good :) seem to tap the b*****d perfectly everytime :blink: landin right ontop of anything be it 30" or 55" odd...and asif uve stopped using ur brakes when u sidehop, daft lad! lol i kno why your doin it though :-;)

altho i enjoy the video it doesnt really excite me much, because of the song and editing i think....

IMO! next vid use a song like Blur song 2 and hav a few more explosive & tekky moves in :)


p:s also when iv finished video 6, we shud make a joint video... like meet in a few places and do sum shizz

bom chikka wa waaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh

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As much as i'd rather eat glass than listen to Bloc Party, that was a good vid (Y) .

Mint riding, as expected. Although, i was saddened to see that there wasn't many clips with the '07 beast!



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