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Best Rotor For A Hope Mono Trials


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I've bent my rear Mono Trials rotor really badly so I need a new one. I'd rather not get another mono trials one because I wasn't impressed with it's quality. It was bent brand new from the box and it wasn't even perfectly round. Plus it was on the soft side and bent way too easily.. atleast compared to my front Avid one. So my question is, which rotor should I get? I know that basically every rotor out there that is the right size will work, but some have a larger braking surface than others and I'm looking for the best performance. For example when I tried my front Avid rotor on the rear wheel it worked fine (actually it was much better than the original one) but the braking surface on it is a bit smaller than the one on the Mono Trials so the lower part of the pads was not being used with that rotor (for example, picture a Magura Marta SL rotor, half of the pads only grab the 'spokes' of the rotor). I'm looking for the best performance possible, as it's a rear brake, so should I be looking for a rotor that has enough surface to fit my mono trials pads or won't it make any difference? Either way, which rotor would you suggest?



Edited by loffa
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My mate wanted something more powerful than his original 180mm rotor and switched to Accent Blade 203mm. Here's a link to a Polish auction (sorry I didn't find english version):


He said he was very impressed with the power. It's also very lightweight, considering its diameter (130g only). And at the end of the day, it looks pimp (reminds me a bit hope gothic rotors).

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