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Problems With Cramp


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hey, iv'e searched the forum for a topic on cramp and nothing came up.

I was wondering if some of you get cramp very bad? and all the time?

For the last few nights iv'e been getting cramp really bad in my legs, do any other people get it after a comp or a long ride?

what can i do to not get it?

thanks bolty......(Y)

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i get it some times when i sleep at party's in strange places etc.... long story.

best thing to do when its in your legs is to straighten your leg and hold your knee down and pull the leg up towards you as if your straightening the leg further than it should.

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I used to get bad cramp from riding a full weekend of trials. To the point of getting home, sitting at the pc, then the cramp would set in launch my leg up into the desk with me shouting SHHHHHH***T.

Hurt bad.

Its normal though, if its happening for a week everyday, have a word with your doctor.

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I got cramp the other morning when i were asleep. woke mu up and everyone else since i shouted shit very loud haha.

Lasted for 3 days the pain, worst feeling ever. Everytime i went to take a step, i could feel my calf tighten and was like shit, not again.

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When I was younger ( 13-14 ) I NEVER got cramp. I would ride day after day and not even get sore muscles from really pushing myself. These days I am much more aware of what's happening to me when im out riding and when I pull something I know, generally because I feel it.

Last night I was starting to get a twinge in the back of my lower left leg, got home last night and was sitting here on the laptop and had a few smal cramps, but they tend to be in my back more than anything else.

So yeh, I do get cramp. Water helps, but I find staying warmed up helps more than anything else. Warming up is something I never had to do before too........ :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
You could even be growing, and then doing sport on top, could set of cramp.

More water and take it carefull.

I had the similar effect when I was growing.

Probably not related but worth a shout.


thanks steve, i do think that is true


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