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Need Mod Frame

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T-pro for cheapness and coolness

a3 if you got the mulla

a3 looks good for the same cash i could get the:

zoo! python (£299)

echo team (£299)

czar 07 (£299)

or the gu typhoon (£299)

are any of these better?


even the echo lite for even cheaper (£210)

Edited by georgieporgie
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the only one worth waiting for there is the gu typhoon 07 since they have added the bash guard it will be one of the best bikes to ride out you will just have to wait, i know someone who has been waiting nearly 2months for it to come out.

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the only one worth waiting for there is the gu typhoon 07 since they have added the bash guard it will be one of the best bikes to ride out you will just have to wait, i know someone who has been waiting nearly 2months for it to come out.

you i love the look off the gu typhoon and it looks pretty good for any style

what about the czar?


and most pple say i should get the zoo , is it overated?

Edited by georgieporgie
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you i love the look off the gu typhoon and it looks pretty good for any style

what about the czar?


and most pple say i should get the zoo , is it overated?

it seems a nice frame and its nice and long... but ko bikes are nice as well have you tried looking at www.trials-uk.co.uk?

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yer im kinda swung towards the echo because it looks like a ace frame with a lower price tag

is this a mistake or should i save up more ?

i dont think its a mistake the lite is a very nice bike but there is also the gu and adamant to think about, its your money mate lol.

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