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About gr8grumble

  • Birthday 01/23/1990

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    07 python. 07echo on king rear mag avid bb7 zoobars echo cranks

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Girlfriend and bike. Thats life. Love it. <br /><br />and money..... hmmm
  • Location
    trowbridge near bath

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Trials Dude

Trials Dude (3/9)



  1. they do look very simular, i will get them, if.. i cant find a set of bonz ones, have you or anyone got a review on the trialtech ones?
  2. hello all, its been a while since ive been on here, and my knowledge on biking is very dated. im after a set of bonz bars, as see here... http://www.trial-bikes.com/manillar-bonz-light-doble-altura-720mm-p-5478.html?language=en is sais the retailer is tarty, however they dont seem to stock them, if its not possible to buy some, is there another set of bars which are identical?? cheers in advance people
  3. skills from the masters lol
  4. oiii floater! i havent ridden in ages eitherr! your bike looks pimp mate, handle bar height looks perfect!
  5. the lad with the green tshirt, riding a mod, think keiran whitefield.. he has a bloody good ride, who ever tht was, they road relly well. rip mate
  6. he has done that move plenty of times before, i previous video's, why would he stage! and why would you pick something like that up,.. its a good video.
  7. goood seee you name on forum again. if you get another python, garunteeeeed pyhton will go up by +30% tradional green rear king and old echo tires,.. legend.
  8. you have one brilliant father, that has alot of time for you, bet he's a well decent bloke, nice garden lads.
  9. 11ish, at the three steps mate, and we will then ride to castle park? if i dont arrive same time as eskimo, ill get lost!
  10. i think it looks smart. when will the non disk 135 rear be in production, im about to buy a rear H hub, but if thats lighter, and cheaper. Sounds awesome to me.
  11. yes! deffo up for this, im in! so is eskimo cause i havent seen him in years!
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