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Everything posted by sammmy

  1. scazz i used to ride dirt alot on my hardtail, but i whacked a bashguard over the middle ring which allowed me to ride abit of trials and give it ago.. but it was only when i rode a trials specific bike i realised just how different it was, the shape, weight and manouverability (if thats how you spell it ) good luck with what you decide though!!!
  2. thumbs up, liking the mix of trials/flatland and <3'd the frontwheel coast down the hill backwards! some nice riding and that bail on the flowerbed gap made me gringe. Sweet movie, not tooooo sure about the track used but an allround delight to watch
  3. the word penny and farthing spring to mind! pretty sick idea but hard to get me head around
  4. After watching chainspotting as a wee lad, i can safely say my riding idle is non other than the legend, the genius, the inspiring... martyn ashton
  5. i know exactly what you mean, i took a break from riding for about 2years and im like an eager beaver now.. cant wait to get back on it
  6. my dad was kool about it, did it on motorbike when he was younger but my mum thought i was looking to start horse riding when i talked about trials .. scary thought
  7. Never actually had the chance of riding trials on mod.. just sat on one once.. but im kinda used to 26" n i guess if i start on 26" and wanna go to a mod the change wont be quite so dramatic as reverting from mod to 26
  8. Well the little bit of trials ive done has been on a 26" so i guess i could say i already got some experience on that sized bike.. plus the videos of vincent hermance have inspired me
  9. Havn't ridden trials for a good 2 years now, and even then it was a mixture of street/trials.. just wanted to know whether to go for 20 or 26"... im sure this is a HUGE debate but just pointers would help.. im 6'2 if tht makes ne dif
  10. Yo guys, i used to ride a few years back on a hardtail. Mainly dirt/street riding but havn't ridden for a good two years now. Since taking a break a kinda realised how sick trials was and now reeeallly wanna get into it, i got abit of experience, and got mates who do it but is there any advice you guys could offer as to what bike/gear would be worth opting for at a reasonable price. cheers dudes
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