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About khoie

  • Birthday 12/18/1987

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Previous Fields

  • Real Name
    Chris Ellison
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Black sexy as hell curtis..you want it!

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khoie's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. I found that gloves are a prevention if you get the right type...?allthough im not a fan of gloves and rather use my bare hands.(can't pick me nose with'em on ) my hands are blister-free just due to riding and the skin hardening in its own time. in my opionion if gloves are your thing,wear them?
  2. Dont know if any ones mentioned this? but me and alot of my friends use a slight angle when gapping? improves the amount u can lean (move body of center posistion) into the gap while lowering the front wheel. effective for extra grip too usually (not in all cases) a "lefty" will benefit from gapping too the right and "righty" too the left. A downside to this though can be if you run low tyre pressures the more likly you are of twisting the tyre off the rim? look closely on vids you should see what i meen. hope it helps
  3. I have had a range of hubs.. Hopes,CKs,Profiles all on a stock bike...aswel as various cassete hubs on a bmx. I decided to stick with a profile bmx hub with cnc spacers as u get a decent amount of engagement and a bloomin strong axle in my opinion?don't get me wrong the CK was lovely jubbly But my budget forced me 2 get a cheaper alternative. Best advice i got is buy it to suit your riding. x x
  4. working this saturday is any of you guys goin on the leeds ride on the 27th? x
  5. Whens you guys thinking of riding doncaster?ill see if any of me and me mates can join you x
  6. Shud be able to get to sheff with a few mates?what time you thinkin of going riding?i've got to work till 4ish?
  7. Hey guys! ino alot of people are breaking up for the christamas holls now. Wondering if any people no off any rides going on before xmas?weathers being abit of a let down...but im sure that wont stop some of us Should b able to get a few m8s together if it aint to far to go? Near sheffield,Doni,notts,mansfield places like that? cheers x x x
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