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Everything posted by mrBENN

  1. Mmmm but when i put it in on my computer it comes up with my road god im confused. Its either a load of twaddle or its just knows where i live lol
  2. http://www.find-ip-address.org/ ? I used to have this code on my myspace that when someone viewed my profile it would give me their IP. I was only trying to find out who was viewing my profile because it got hacked and i was like what good is a IP address to me then i found this finder thing? i mean just by putting in the IP it showed where the person lived or is it wrong? I mean when i put my IP in it, it comes up with my road thats kinda worrying.
  3. For a start, on your first post click. edit-full edit and change the topic title to something like. introducing myself and then turn this topic into a introduction one
  4. Ofcourse we forgive you just post decent posts and help people and become a member then sell your bike. But until then jut help people and ask questions and things Just like create a topic like with your name a bit about yourself, maybe some pictures of your bike. just like a general introduction and if your unsure about anything just ask someone.
  5. GOD SAKE NO SELLING IN NEW MEMBER CHAT FOR THE SECOND TIMEE. Need to be a full member to post for sale topics. sorry. Read The Rules REPORTED.
  6. You cant put it in the right place as you are not a full member and only a pre-member. Sorry.
  7. No selling or anything in New Members thank you. Please read the guidelines. Reported.
  8. Hi I say the best way to learn is to watch videos and things and see how they do them and then just give it a go
  9. WOW thats well cheep. £34 lol dont you mean £349
  10. I dont warm up but well done for warming up, dont want to pull a muscle or anything. God wants to make me warm up before i ride now, dont want to end up pulling a muscle or injuring myself
  11. Probably sometime towards the end of the year but keep a eye out on thee news as Skoze said
  12. But plain and simple = great looking bike. Now to much colour and looks great
  13. Very nice Ryan. I heard you did well in Japan ? I cant wait to be back out and riding again though . See you sooon. x
  14. Ahhh. Just that i couldnt see any but anyway ride it well once you've built her up and enjoy it
  15. Looking goood mate is it mee or are them forks disk only ? so we going to fork out and get a disk and make it ever more nicer Anyway looking good. Enjoy it.
  16. Just get back to mee pleaseee really intrested in doing this for you
  17. Lol at Simpson. SPONSOR HIM HE IZ ZE BEZT
  18. I would love this deal I'v PM'ed you with a couple of pictures. And i can also make anymore stickers if you need any and i do graphics and design. Would love this opertunity to premote this for you Get back to me please.
  19. I ride unicycle got a koxx blueberry and i absolutly love it. Deffinatly worth trying and having a go at. will post pics of me on it when i can be arsed but honestly really good to start unicycling if you want a challange
  20. Do you know the date that they will be out yet ? want a new bike for the new year
  21. Yeah but do you think thieves will be like oh its scatched i wont take it, and if there stealing it at night i dont think they would care about scruffs and things they would just do what their there to do and take it. They will take it whatever it looks like because at the time when there doing it they probably dont think of things like scraches and that. But good idea anyway. And as ash said. makes your bike or car look like crap.
  22. All i can see on happening is siphopp..bouncy.bouncy.miss snap lol. reminds me of the RB style.
  23. repost but who cares amazing video.
  24. Send Skoze a message tell him to send you a couple of pics he's done. In my opinion, he's excelent at graffiti
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