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Everything posted by mrBENN

  1. mrBENN

    Kot Ms2

    I would also like to see any reviews as im also intrested in getting one, so any reviews would be handy Regards Ben
  2. oh my god it rides like a beast, just got in from riding and it rides sexual
  3. I got first dibs to ride it today looks beastey cant wait to ride it.
  4. That is just a sweet vid mate, you will be a beast on your stock
  5. MEE TOOOO bourbons and milk for the win lol
  6. True true lol but why cant they just ban him now and stop him from making anymore useless topics.
  7. As someone said i think he will have a very hard time trying to change this IP adress lol.
  8. Can someone report this topic and get it closed pleased.
  9. Is the dickhead the one who posted this topic by any chance but you really didn't have to tell us all about someone being on your account or what not.
  10. Please could you explain why you have posted this topic it doesnt exactley help anyone. Theres no oint in this topic woopdey doo you have koxx parts. but it this topic if useless sorry.
  11. oh my god that actually looks the sex mate i saw it when jack had it but the red just makes it differnt in a good way really nice
  12. Looking realy nice cant wait to get my new ride now
  13. Nice i might have to invest in some of them, but ohwell wh cares if there was alot of sidehops, i love side hopping but still its a real nice vid
  14. Hi really nice vid mate good editing, bit to many sidehops but ohwell what pads are you using by the way they grip well nice in the wet by the looks of it ?
  15. howies14 thats mine if anyone wants to add mee feel free
  16. Ello boy's if my new steed comes before this ride then yes i will be happy to tag along.
  17. Oh yeah sorry i will edit my post now thank you for that mate.
  18. Hi mate Remember me? im your bros mate, just ask around some people who your bro knows they might ave some bits.
  19. hi mate i will 100% buy the coustellier of you im 100% sure

  20. hi mate i will 100% have that coustellier with the full asking price

  21. I will take up that offer thanks matt .
  22. Nice, but please wear you lid safety first. from Ben
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